Diane | Teen Ink


September 6, 2013
By Jonny Santiago BRONZE, Wauconda, Illinois
Jonny Santiago BRONZE, Wauconda, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Hey you’re Diane’s little brother!”
“I love your sister!”
“How is your sister?”

All of these words rings through my ears as I proudly walk through the theatre hall way or choir room. Well known in the drama department at our high school for her talent, hard work and commitment is my sister. My sister is Diane, if you haven’t heard it yet you will sometime in the future in a movie or show. She is not only my sister, but an amazingly talented actor and singer. She is an independent person who works very hard at her goals. Diane is talented, determined, independent, and best of all my one and only sister.

I look up to my sister, even though she is shorter than me, she is still my inspiration. She has inspired me to go out and try theatre, Sound, and Sound FX. To my surprise I enjoy all of it and can see why my sister was so involved. Some say me and her look alike or are twins although, I’m a boy. I understand that our hair is the same dark color and might share some facial features. Her smile is bigger than mine. She did always help me smile more by spending lots time bonding. My sister and I would go to six flags, watch a movie, or go dirt biking together. Everyone liked when she was around, and she even let me hang out with her high school friends when I she was a senior, and I was only in 7th at the time. Ever since I could remember I always wanted to follow in her footsteps.

My sister is what some people say “gifted” in performing arts. I would not call it a gift because she worked very hard at what she does. Every night after school she would be practicing her choreography, or go through her lines in her head as she spaced out at school. I remember going to all of her plays at high school and seeing the backstage. One of my favorite plays she was in was the Crucible, she was Tituba. I loved the accent of the the character she played, and how she made it look like everything was so natural. She wasn't always the star of the show, but the way she perfected her roles shows the commitment she puts. If it wasn’t a play it was a competition for showchoir. Lights was is the name of the show choir and won many grand champions the room is full of trophies they don’t have shelves to fit them all. I sat in awe watching her performance. Her singing always gave me chills as she held those long notes in a very slow song. There is a lot of talent in her, and no one can fail to see it when she is up on stage.

However, talent is not all there is to performing arts it takes a lot of hard work and determination. Diane gave nothing less than her best when she does something she loves. Acting, singing, and dancing are what my sister loves to do. Whether its for a workout or just for fun she is always learning new dances.Every play in high school her face was in it. I would not see my sister after school because she basically lived at the school. She either had practice for Lights, Sound, theatre or all three! She worked day and night for performing arts; it was a lifestyle for her. After high school she went to college in Hollywood! AMDA was the name of the school it stands for American Musical Dramatic Academy. This collage is one of the best performing arts schools. Not only did she move to California she also finished a 4 year course in 2 ½ years time!

Diane was not a follower, but a leader who makes her own choices. She stays away from people who are bad influences and helps those from making those bad decisions. After my sister started college some of her older friends followed. She taught me that if you disagree then don’t be afraid to be that only one that doesn’t agree with the rest. Living on your own can be a huge challenge Especially if its in a entirely different state than your family or friends. She was accomplishing her dreams and making new friends from all over every step of the way.
I have looked up to my sister for my entire life that I can remember. She has shaped me to who I am today. Now I'm involved in theatre and show choir just like her. Talented, determined and independent are only a few things that make up who she is. To this day if I ever need help, or someone to talk to my sister is always a phone call away.

The author's comments:
This was inspired by my 21 year old sister. Most brothers and sisters fight, but we were different we were very close and i see her as a sister and a best friend.

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