My Hero | Teen Ink

My Hero

January 14, 2014
By Justinha BRONZE, PLANO, Texas
Justinha BRONZE, PLANO, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When I think of my hero. I don't think of bravery or wealth. I don't think about the changes they made or the way they mended minds. I don't count how many lives they saved or how many titles they've won. When I think of my hero, I think about the reason why they did it. For this reason, I do not have one sole hero. A fire fighter pulled wounded people out of a burning house not to be known as a hero. He pulled them out because, " If I didn't pull them out, who would?" An inventor doesn't create machines to obtain fame and wealth. He creates these machines to help the greater good. A hero isn't defined by what they have done. A hero defined by why they did it.

The author's comments:
It's the beginning of second semester and in new classes we were discussing about our heroes. I thought hard but I could not come up with one. Not because I didn't have a hero, but because there were to many to just pick one.

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