"It'll Be Fine" | Teen Ink

"It'll Be Fine"

January 31, 2014
By nhope98 BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
nhope98 BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My mom Lisa is blonde and taller then I am, and sometimes funny, and always says the words, “It’ll be fine” whenever I’m worried or upset. I was lucky to have a stay-at-home mom when I was younger. It meant that she was always home after school to help with homework or if I just needed to talk to someone. She also put up with my older sister and I fighting all the time. My mom would take me to every doctor and dentist appointment and she would drive me and my friends around if we needed a ride. My mom is caring and is my support with everything I do.

Having a caring mom that did not work when I was in elementary school was great. Whenever I did not have school she would take me out for lunch or take me to the mall, and she still does. She also put up, and had to stop my sister and I from fighting all the time. Having two daughters that are 8 ½ years apart is hard. My mom always had to stop my older sister and I from yelling at each other non-stop. I remember one time when I was watching T.V in the family room, and my sister came in and turned the channel while I was watching it. She then yelled at me. So I ran upstairs to tell my mom and she said “it’s okay you can watch t.v in my room”. Even though she was in the middle if watching her show she was altruistic and let me watch what I wanted to watch. My mom also took me to every doctor’s appointment, and held my hand as a child when I needed a shot. I did not do well with blood, so whenever I had to get blood drawn she would take me to get a smoothie afterwards.

My moms also my support. The summer before, freshman year I had to get one of my wisdom teeth removed. I had to be put asleep which scared me a lot. However, my mom took me to the dentist, and she stayed the whole time in the waiting room. Later, when she brought me home she took care of me. She made sure I iced my mouth, and made certain I took the medicine I had to take. My mom also drives me and my friends around everywhere. Since we still don’t have our licenses I always ask her and she always says yes.

My mom is my hero because she is caring and supports me through everything. She puts up with my sister and I and she takes me everywhere I want to go. She held my hand as a child through dentist, and doctor’s appointment and I know she will be there whenever I need her. She always says the words “It’ll be fine”.

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