My Hero | Teen Ink

My Hero

February 19, 2014
By Balkeyk903 SILVER, Lewisville, Texas
Balkeyk903 SILVER, Lewisville, Texas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Never let the fear of striking out, keep you from playing the game"

First of all my meaning of a hero is someone who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. The person that is my hero is my cousin Justin Yarborough. The reason why I say he is my hero is because he stands out from everybody else and try's to make something out of his self. He wants to help change the world and doesn't let anything get in his way. Let's start from the beginning Justin was born in Dallas, Texas on December 26, 1980. He was on this earth to do something special that was Gods plan. But raised on a cattle ranch in Alpine, Texas. As he grew up in Alpine through the years he knew there was nothing better then the sunset. After, graduating high school he then attended college at Texas Tech University as a walk on football player. The years went by and then he graduated from Texas Tech and got a International Business degree. After, college he decided to go work as a cowboy on his ranch. Justin still wasn't going to end his life working on a ranch he decide to go join the marines. The Marine Corps values are HONOR- Honor guides Marines to exemplify the ultimate in ethical and moral behavior. COURAGE- Courage is the mental, moral and physical strength ingrained in Marines. COMMITMENT- Commitment is the spirit of determination and dedication found in Marines.Grace is another principle he tried to live by (in the way Jesus describes it). But he was interested in law so he applied for UT Law school. He is a Christian and something that was on his mind is to do the right thing and also to help other people. He has had some tough times in life but that didn't stop him from following what he believed in. He has changed a ton of people life's. Justin was apart of a lot of charities We Hear Your Voice, Vet for Freedom, Make A Wish Foundation, Big Brothers and Big Sisters. Justin is the founder and president of We Hear Your Voice. Justin created We Hear Your Voice after the devastating earthquake that hit Haiti in 2010. We Hear Your Voice is a campaign that let's kids attend school and also to have a place to call home. We Hear Your Voice is a organization that helps transform impoverished communities. Through the support of an orphanage and school. A story that became a miracle it was about a women who had her three kids in Haiti at the time of the earthquake. Like any mother she wanted to go find her daughters and make sure they were ok. She got help from multiple people to go back to Haiti to go find her daughters. This time when Justin took his time to go spend his birthday to go help out in Haiti. For Justin's 30th birthday, he created a project $30 for 30 Days when which he lived at the orphanage he supports and in the tent city. Every day that he was in Haiti he had a a letter to read from the people loved back home. Justin didn't want to just sit back and see the things that other people are going through and not do anything about it. He started small in the beginning and started to get larger and larger by helping other people. But the two main things that he has been set to do is to go to Haiti and Big Brothers and Big Sisters campaign by helping out other kids. Big Brothers Big Sisters is not your typical organization. They help children realize their potential and help build their futures. They nurture children and strengthen communities one by one. They develop positive relationships that have a direct and lasting effect on the lives of young children. This campaign provides children facing adversity with strong and enduring, supported one-to-one relationships that change their lives for the better, forever. This is why Justin Yarborough is my hero because he sets his differences and others behind. He goes and helps out people in need as it is set on his heart. He inspires me to want to go help other people and to be grateful for the things I have because they could gone in a blink of the eye. He makes me want to become a stronger Christian because the way he doesn't let anything get in his way of his faith. I can always go to him for a lift of spirt and courage to do something I don't think I can do. He has changed my heart before I had the chance to fall apart.

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