What The American Flag Means To Me | Teen Ink

What The American Flag Means To Me

November 6, 2015
By LyricalLexi GOLD, HARTLAND, Wisconsin
LyricalLexi GOLD, HARTLAND, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
To get to the light, we must go through the deepest darkness...

The flag is like a heart. Without the strength to fight, we can easily let go. But if we get the help we need from others (like doctors and  soldiers) lives are saved. And our flag will live. Americans represent our flag and the flag represents unity, bravery and hard work.
When I see the flag, I often think about the men and women serving our country and the sacrifices they’ve made. “It's like when I sing the pledge, it just has a deeper meaning to me,” my friend who had recently enlisted in the military said this about our flag. For me, the flag means letting my best friend join the military, not knowing if he could be killed, captured, or come back home.
Unity brings Americans together to fight for freedom, coming together during times of war, and in times of sadness. Working together to save lives in different countries, protecting the lives here, or even stopping situations like 9/11.
Brave soldiers risk their lives. Americans make hard decisions each day--people like my parents who both work two jobs to get my family through the day.
Hard work is what we base ourselves off of. My best friend works hard just to come back to the family he's leaving. He leaves knowing there could be a possibility that he might not come back. He leaves knowing he will have loved ones waiting for him when he returns. But until then, he sacrifices to serve our country and his meaning of the American flag, which is to protect and serve for the ones you love. He is more than happy to do so, and for that I am proud of him.
Knowing why he and others serve America, adds value to what the flag stands for. Fighting to protect, fighting for liberty, and fighting to live. Americans continue to fight to keep living, and so our flag waves on and our hearts keep us going in unity, bravery and hard work.

The author's comments:

This is what the flag means to me. I have several things included, including my best friend who decided to recently join the military.

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