Thank You, Veteran | Teen Ink

Thank You, Veteran

March 13, 2018
By libbie.sobieski GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
libbie.sobieski GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
18 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Vietnam Veteran,


I will never be able to fully understand what you endured during and after the war.  Because of what you have sacrificed and lived through, I am grateful.  With that, I would love to say, “welcome home.”

My name is Libbie and I am a senior in High School. It was not until fifth grade that I learned about the importance of what those who served our country had done for us.  Every year, the fifth grade class puts on a patriotic program for local veterans to show our gratitude.  The American Salute show has made a tremendous impact, and I still go back to my elementary school to help out.  Each and every year I see the show, I am reminded of the hardships that veterans have endured.

I learned about the Honor Flight specifically through having the opportunity to lead the parade of veterans returning from the Honor Flight with my school’s pom team.  Seeing the reactions of the veterans to their welcome home they had not received before made me emotional.  I was heartbroken to learn that many veterans did not receive a proper welcome home, and many times even loved ones and family stopped communicating.  Because of this, I would love to give you the welcome home and support you may not have received.

Not only did you put your life on the line for our country, but you were also left feeling unappreciated upon return, and you had to endure the hardships of adjusting back to a “normal” life.  I can’t even imagine how your experiences have affected you on a daily basis.

I am truly thankful for your bravery, service, and sacrifice.   I hope your experience on the Honor Flight has shown you how important you are and how thankful Americans are for your service.  With that, I would love to say, “welcome home.”



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