Humor | Teen Ink


March 11, 2019
By ahs-writer BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
ahs-writer BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dad has a sense of humor, just like a kid. Joking back and forth with me, we laugh like chickens when they see a racoon. We use “your mom” jokes way too often enough for my mom to blow. It is not that we are using them against her it just that, she has a sense of humor like an old grandma. Looking at us as if we were her little ducklings. Our words are “too harsh” or “not even funny”. Odd because when my mom says a joke, my dad and I do not laugh with her, we laugh at her. The one time where we all have similar humor is when we are wrapped in warm blankets watching The Office. Whether it is Dwight and Jim pranking each other or Creed’s random comments, we all laugh in the sync of a choir.

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