Point | Teen Ink


July 9, 2023
By LeenAwamleh SILVER, Al-Salt, Other
LeenAwamleh SILVER, Al-Salt, Other
6 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Spread your wings,
It's time to fly.
Make the leap.
Own the sky.

I am confined within the realm of the unknown, where my illusions pull me into a spiraling descent. My eyes, suspended
upward, gaze upon the abyss, witnessing my own collapse and decay. The circle shrinks as I distance myself, yet with every
fall, a new dawn emerges, unveiling a fresh morning. I exist in my fantastical world.

Oh, how I hope this bliss never fades away. Yet, I continue to fall endlessly. Everywhere I look, I find remnants of the past,
still clinging to me, pulling me deeper into their engulfing grasp. Every attempt to free myself only amplifies the shackles of the past, its sorrows and lamentations multiplying around me, preventing me from moving forward.
Oh my heart, you are forever the victim of my own battles. It bears the scars of the battles it has endured, innocent in all of

With each descent, memories of the past resurface, haunting me relentlessly. I fought to combat them, longing for their silence, hoping they would release me. But I can no longer resist; I am exhausted beyond measure. I fought so much, and yet I failed. Each battle left a scar within me, a wretched place I yearn to escape from, yet paradoxically, the very place I seek for solace. An intricate tapestry of hopes, dreams, and ambitions weaves a world for me, enticing me to hold on.
I cannot deny it; I deceive myself to please my own desires. We all do this; we all deceive ourselves, slaves to our own selves, fulfilling our whims, even if it means resorting to lies and illusions. We dare not disturb the tranquility within ourselves, for we do not want to face the truth. We prefer to sink deeper and deeper, avoiding the harshness of reality, choosing a false existence over confronting the bitter truth. How dreadful this is! We deteriorate and fall, almost dissolving, as our illusions torment and consume us from within. Our pain generates a world that lacks substance, immersed in the darkness of our own hands and feet, bound and unable to move. We created a halo of nothingness for ourselves, drawing us further into it whenever we hurt, whenever we suffer, whenever we close our eyes. Despite the clarity that surrounds us, we remain ignorant. We seek refuge from all of this and enter our impenetrable fortress, where we live as honored prisoners. We dwell in this never-ending whirlpool.

Comforting and terrifying, it is our favorite and most frightening place, from which we cannot escape. It is the only force capable of making us unique or breaking us. We cease to exist, this place never sleeps, perceives and comprehends everything within this world.

Based on that, it becomes our ally or our detested enemy. We might be able to silence it temporarily to accomplish a task, but it remains present and eternal as long as we are alive. It is a shadow inseparable from us. In conclusion, we live in a world of illusions, which begins when we delude ourselves into sleep. We, ladies and gentlemen, are the illusions. This entire world is nothing but an illusion within us, far removed from the life our eyes perceive. We have imprisoned it with our imagination to fit our dreams.

Undoubtedly, it is a point—a point capable of separating two worlds within your life. A chapter you experience through your
eyes in your waking life and another chapter experienced through your eyes in your sleep. It is a dark point, whether it concludes a beautiful or a miserable chapter in your life. It is inherently ambiguous, leading you to unexplored realms submerged in its darkness, just as we plunge into sleep. It is a point that, once placed in your life, cannot be erased. We all live with this point, whether we accept or deny it. It is inevitable

The author's comments:

this piece I wrote it when I was 14 out of my own feelings

enjoy it !!!

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jul. 12 2023 at 12:29 am
LeenAwamleh SILVER, Al-Salt, Other
6 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Spread your wings,
It's time to fly.
Make the leap.
Own the sky.

So deeeeeeep