September 27, 2023
By AHSbaseballwriter GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
AHSbaseballwriter GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am who I am, now trying to learn who I'm not. “You won't ever make it that far”, I now know who I'm not. Honestly what truly makes us all so different? Our minds do. That's what makes us all so different. Because some humans can't come to reality and others come to reality too fast. Spoiled kids that never have to work for anything or even grow up. They are entitled and feel like everyone is less than them. Kids who never had parents and had to grow up on their own when they were still just a child. They are jealous of what people have, they may have developed too fast to enjoy life, They understand that life takes hard work. People in the middle are no better. Always leaning one way or another doing things to people just because they can.

“People only talk behind your back because they are jealous of something you have that they can't”. TikTok might not be good for young brains but I've learned things I would never have otherwise. People take things so literally just because society has come to what it is today. Life is all a mental game. Those people that are sitting over there talking about something thinking that it's you when it never is. That's another person that I'm not. Understanding the mental game is the way to accomplish everything I have wanted in life.

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