The Value in Memories | Teen Ink

The Value in Memories

June 27, 2024
By divyaj123 GOLD, Roslyn Heights, New York
divyaj123 GOLD, Roslyn Heights, New York
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I firmly believe that memories are ageless treasures stored in everyone’s hearts. They possess the ability to transport you back to a moment you experienced with a loved one and make you feel the emotions you felt in those moments. Everybody values certain moments in their lives, from winning an award to spending quality time with friends. Memories shape the decisions we make and can create value in something others find insignificant. They can also make us feel emotions we miss from our past. I personally have several cherished memories that stick with me. In particular, one memory makes me feel emotional, and it revolves around family. 

About a year ago, I lost someone I loved dearly: My grandfather. We would visit him every year and pre-Covid, he even came to stay with us for a few months before going back to India. I always knew he was struggling physically, but I couldn’t help but be at a loss for our lack of time together before he passed. My fondest memories with him are in his room. We would sit along the edge of his bed, legs crossed, close together, the smell of blankets mingled with the aroma of Indian dishes being cooked filling our noses. The chatter about the day’s events and the sound of the rickety fan turning played distantly in the background. In those precious moments, we found solace in the simplicity of being together. Blaring on the TV would be some silly Indian television shows and every night while I was there, we would watch one specific show and laugh together.  

I would playfully say, “ఇది ఏమిటి తాత?” (which translates to something like “What is this, Grandpa?), or giggle,“This drama is so silly.” He would say in return, a smile on his face,  “Such is the life of Indian dramas,” and we would laugh together. His laughter was contagious, and it continues to linger in my mind. Nowadays, stepping into that room hits me with a wave of nostalgia and warmth emanating from the cherished memories I had with him. I’m transported back to the vibrant life it once held when I was young – the laughter echoing in its walls. My memories with my grandfather are not just recollections of the past, they are living testaments to the bond we shared. Though he does not walk beside me anymore, he is stored in my heart forever. 

Memories hold within them the essence of beloved individuals and cherished moments. For everyone, those valued memories are different, like the fingerprints on each person’s fingers. But there are a few things that stay constant: the nostalgia and emotions felt woven into them, and the emotions that are carried with them, whether that be guilt or love. Memories are almost like guiding stars, that illuminate the path we walk on and remind us of the positive moments in life. For me, this memory reminds me of the value in laughter and the fact my grandfather still lies within me. I carry the legacy of his laughter within my heart and spread it to others, which is the beauty of having memories. This I believe. 

The author's comments:

This piece targets me more emotionally, and allowed me to grow as a writer.  What inspired me to write this piece was the depth of emotion and authenticity required for it compared to my other more formal comfortable writing. I wanted to pick phrases that would roll off the tongue in a way that makes listeners satisfied. The process of writing or creating this piece flowed smoothly for me as I drew upon my own memories and emotions to capture the essence of my grandfather. It was natural to immerse myself back into old memories and I found it easy to write about a moment I cherished so much. What makes me proud of this piece is how I was able to create a vivid scene that honors my grandfather that touches other people. I feel a sense of accomplishment in capturing the warmth and intimacy of the moments shared between me and their grandfather, and I felt more connected to my culture when describing how we would talk to each other in Telugu, like in the line “ఇది ఏమిటి తాత?”. 

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