Books Bring Emptiness | Teen Ink

Books Bring Emptiness

July 20, 2024
By Ysabeldelisi BRONZE, Bend, Oregon
Ysabeldelisi BRONZE, Bend, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My heart is thumping in my chest faster and faster with every beat. I hold my breath as I continue to read. My whole mind is consumed within the pages of this book, as I read this character's life, it becomes mine for that moment. I turn the page and let out my breath. For the past few hours I’ve walked alongside the characters, them becoming my friends. I’ve become privy to their secrets and insecurities. I read and read until the last page hits me like a brick. Their story is over, but mine continues.

I push the covers together and put the book down. I’m left feeling empty with a void in my stomach. The characters seem to linger in the air around me. A story I was just able to grasp becomes just like the rest of them, the past. A sense of loss washes over me. The world I call home seems so dull as my mind is distracted by a narrative that’s now concluded.  I’m in my own world back to the person I was before I picked up that book, I’ve gained one thing though, another life lived. The most valuable thing one can gain. 

I hop off my couch and peer out the window. I see a beautiful view. The sun slowly meets the horizon, orange purple and pink dance in the sky. The smile on my face doesn’t reach my eyes. “How can I appreciate this world when there is so much more in books?” My question is whispered to no one in particular. My hope is that the world hears it itself and somehow sends me an answer, although I’m not sure this is one. 

I step over to my bookshelf and use the book to fill the empty slot that I pulled it from when I first picked it up. I feel cold as I leave the object that has been accompanying me for the past few days. I take the time to look over the books that came before it. I slowly walk along the bookshelves touching my hand to the covers. I note each adventure I’ve been on and each life I’ve lived. The impossibility that becomes possible in books is what I yearn for. Each book on this wall has imprinted memories that I will always hold on to. These stories are as valuable as life itself, an author's tribute to the world that I will never forget. These books have shaped my heart and my mind, opening my eyes to different possibilities and perspectives. For that I’m forever grateful. 

I once again think back to the emptiness that was brought upon from finishing a book. In that moment after realizing how books have changed me I found just what that emptiness is. It’s not distaste for the ending of the book or the regret of finishing it. The emptiness is an indication of just how beautiful the story was. A remembrance of the emotions it made me feel and the author’s skill in crafting a beautiful story. That emptiness is the reason a book will never leave my memories, it’s the everlasting effect of a beautiful story. 

The smile on my face goes beyond my eyes as I pick up the next book in line that’s sitting on my shelf. I take in the cover and read the author’s name, being more than ready to dive into a story I know I will always have with me in my heart. 

The author's comments:

Ysabel DeLisi has always been fascinated with books, throughout this love for words, she gained a love for writing. At the age of sixteen, she uses the feelings that are evoked from books, to try to inspire other people through her own stories. Ysabel hopes that her words impact people just as other’s words have impacted her. 

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This article has 6 comments.

Bunboogone said...
on Sep. 6 at 7:51 pm
Bunboogone, La Junta, Colorado
0 articles 0 photos 2 comments
Wow, such an amazing work! And a feeling we can all agree on.

Having to do a school assignment on memoirs, I am glad I chose to read this one!


Andonidelisi said...
on Aug. 13 at 10:27 pm
Andonidelisi, Bend, Oregon
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
Ysabel’s understanding of writing techniques that let her memoir touch the readers emotions and help reel in the reader to really feel her love for books in, “Books Bring Emptiness” is unbelievable. Very great memoir.

m4r1_sw4g said...
on Aug. 13 at 6:37 pm
m4r1_sw4g, Bend, Oregon
0 articles 0 photos 4 comments
This took my breath away what a beautiful piece of art

m4r1_sw4g said...
on Aug. 13 at 6:01 pm
m4r1_sw4g, Bend, Oregon
0 articles 0 photos 4 comments
Breathtaking memoir

m4r1_sw4g said...
on Aug. 13 at 6:00 pm
m4r1_sw4g, Bend, Oregon
0 articles 0 photos 4 comments
Just pure honest wording

m4r1_sw4g said...
on Aug. 13 at 6:00 pm
m4r1_sw4g, Bend, Oregon
0 articles 0 photos 4 comments
This is amazing!