Last Year's Stress | Teen Ink

Last Year's Stress

April 27, 2012
By KarlF BRONZE, Detroit, Michigan
KarlF BRONZE, Detroit, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You win sometimes, you lose sometimes"

Last year it felt like I went through Hell and back. The reason last year was so stressful because my mom, school, girlfriend, and my grandmother.

The reason my mom stressed me out is because every morning she would yell at me the whole way to school and I did not do anything. She would yell at me saying these exact things you need to do more chores around the house, you need to pick up your grades, and you are spending too much time with your girl friend. Therefore I would go to school stressed out.

School was stressful because I had a class mate that I did not get alone with. It was hard for me to control my anger. For example one time we were in class and he had a laser, he was beaming it on everyone. Then he beamed it on me we both laughed. Then he put it in my eye, I told him I don’t care if he put the laser on me just don’t put it in my eye. Then the boy behind him told him to do it again. He put it back in my eye.

Then I thought to myself he is a follower and childish and if he don’t get this laser out my eye, I’m going to whoop his ass. Then I told him to get that out of my face. I asked him to move it one more time he did not budge. So I got mad and smacked the laser and said get that laser out of my face. On top of that I was struggling French.

The reason home was so stressful because I had to sleep in the basement on the couch because my grandmother was dying of cancer and she had to be watched twenty four hours a day. So my mom took care of her until she pasted.

When my grandmother passed I was a little sad, for the most part I was not. I was not sad because mentally I prepared myself that she was going to die. I was happy because she did not half to deal with the pain no more and I was also happy because I did not half to spend all day in the hospital and I could get my room back.

Then on top of that my girlfriend was mad at me because I was not spending enough time with her and my mom was mad at me because I was spending too much time with her. So it was a situation like a rock in a hard place. For you to understand my stress just imagine every were you went there was a problem. This is how last year was stressful.

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