My Life Changed | Teen Ink

My Life Changed

March 20, 2013
By A.Mxo SILVER, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
A.Mxo SILVER, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Violence has always been a big issue for people as well as my cousins. My cousins Jessica and Laura watched their parents die and it changed all of our lives. On September 6, 2011 two guys came into their store and started shooting them.

The night I got this horrible news, I felt my heart freeze. I didn’t think something this terrible would happen to my family, to good people who never did harm to anyone. While I heard my mom crying in her room I could imagine the pain everyone felt. The day of their viewing was probably one of the hardest days of my life. The emptiness and pain everyone felt was unexplainable, I didn’t know how to react knowing this just happened.

When my uncle and aunts passed away it made me realize that life is really short. When I realized that six of my cousins were left without a mom or dad, I noticed how lucky I was to have both of my parents around. I learned how to appreciate my parents more and not to take life for granted. My family became closer because of this but it always changed our point of view on life. It was a hard healing process, I wish it never happened but everything happens for a reason and I accept that. Just knowing that there in a better place doesn’t make it seem so bad.

My main issue with violence has to be with guns, because of gun violence I have lost a lot of loved ones. Guns can kill people in a quick second and take your life without you even knowing. I have been through this experience where I lost three loved ones in one night because of gun violence. My cousins Jessica and Laura watched there parents and aunt die because a man came into there business and killed them just because he felt like it. Because of gun violence I lost three very special people to me and it changed my whole life. I honestly think gun violence should stop because it can take away your life and a life of a loved one.

Violence is a huge issue and all over the world. Violence has affected my life and other people’s life’s as well. When I lost my two aunts and uncle on the same day it completely changed my life and made me see the world differently. I felt so alone, depressed and like my life was over even though me and my family was always together.. Violence should be stopped all over the world because no one wants to go through this process. Imagine if it was you going through this situation; put yourself in that person’s shoes.

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