Striving To Be | Teen Ink

Striving To Be

December 16, 2013
By Hailey Held BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Hailey Held BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Gerry crept up on me in the middle of the night. He altered the ideas of family and what it meant to be a part of one. Caring. Helpful. Sacrificing. Like volcanic magma, he rearranged my perception of family and cemented a new way of living. G.

Leading by example, he sacrificed his life for us. The grandchildren. He carved out a place for us to call home—a place where we grew into a family. He is Ron. May he rest in peace. R.

Fused at the hip, Elizabeth and I competed for attention. Her drive to be better, faster, louder-- ignited a competitive drive in me. Cheering for her as she reaches for her dreams out on the soccer field inspires competitive jealousy. I want those cheers. I want my dream. I will work for my dream. E.

Ande crashed into my life and mixed it up before she left again. She challenged the meaning of friend showing me not everyone lives up to their title. She stayed two years but altered my way of thinking. A.

Teaghen. 12 years. Evolution. The crucial lesson, that self love is the basic love to have in life. To forage forward, a solid foundation must first be laid. T.

These people are the reasons that I am striving to be G R E A T each and every day. They will be the reason I live up to my name.

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