Childhood Vignette | Teen Ink

Childhood Vignette

May 27, 2014
By Anonymous

As I sat on the carpet of the local daycare, I thought nothing could be more boring than quiet time, I saw the helicopter in the toy basket. All the other kids were asleep so I thought there couldn’t be any trouble in play with it while I wait. After sneaking over to the basket I picked up my prize and took a couple blocks over to my mat. I knew that the daycare lady would come over about every seven minutes as she watched her favorite show during quiet time and would come out every commercial. I looked at the clock and counted the minutes and when it was time for her to come out I would stuff the toys under the couch. As I was playing I was growing cocky about not getting caught. I began to wonder if the helicopter could fly so I set up a ramp and prepared for takeoff. As I looked around I couldn’t find my helicopter. I looked and looked so I could begin my takeoff and found it under the couch. I walked back to my makeshift ramp and scooted it off of the skis on the bottom and right as the helicopter took off, the daycare lady walked out and the helicopter hit her right in the head. Needless to say I got put in time out for quite a while.

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