Word Choice | Teen Ink

Word Choice

June 2, 2014
By Anonymous

“What are you Retarded!?”, the cop glared, his choice of wording set our nerves on fire just like his gaze did to my soul, and all I can think is , “please don’t call my parents, please don’t call my parents, please don’t call my parents”, and “WHO THE HELL DOES HE THINK HE IS!”.....

It was near the end of the school year and me and my friends wanted to blow off some steam, the stress of homework and due dates for projects had built up.

“Don’t worry, it’ll be fine” He says
“ 185 of them, are you kidding me?!”
“ What would you rather have me smash the jar of pop rocks?”

It was near the end of the school year, and yet I remember it so clearly. We had a bonfire lit in the driveway, due to the cold. It seemed like fun, just a some friends and nice bonfire, but then the question popped.

“ Hey I was thinking, you know the field by the park, it’s pretty big, no one goes near it really, why don’t we light of some of the bottle rockets I showed you a couple weeks back?”

My mind went “ Are you stupid?”, yet my mouth went “ Yes!”

His glare fixed upon us, his bald head shined in the dimmed light of the wall wear a pack of flies hovered, fixed on the glow.

His dark black uniform intimidating, and to no surprise his choice of words wreaked with arrogance. If only I had stayed in the treeline.

It was dark and quiet, not good firework atmosphere, and it only got quieter and darker the nearer we reached the park. The park was surrounded by pine trees, each one saying in tandem to the cool breeze. It’s funny I can’t remember what I wore, but all I remember was it being freezing. So much so that dancing around like an idiot helped, but also drew unwanted attention.

The lady officer appeared, and thank god! I was on the edge of crying, and when I look back it I can’t see why. It was my only real “run in with the police” but yet it felt like my last.

We had take 185 bottle rockets, there little wooden rods rammed into a glass mason jar and a HUGE rocket. The one thing I still remember thinking about is “Can that thing really fly?” We had reached the park me, 3 of my best friends and 3 others. Altogether seven.

The trees glared down on me. IF, things went south, that's were I would run, the trees, can’t see me if I hide in the trees.

We put the jar down, and made sure sure known of the 185 little screamers weren’t aimed at anything flammable. Better safe than sorry.

Finally his dad arrived. Our hero, our escape route too. He looked at my friend, with an “angry” stare, and the officer explained himself. Should of stayed in the trees.

The first one lit and from there it was a chain, ppphhhhhhh,(whistle) POW! ppphhhhh ,(whistle) POW! Here and there my friend would go and have to relight the wick, making sure that the miraculous screeching of sound continued. My other friend and I stood back observing the scene, constantly scouting for and suspicious traffic too.....

I walked back and forth from one side of the park to the other, all the others were screaming and hollering, and I was silent.

Then headlights and immediately after a car appeared, and I booked. Ran directly for the treelines, until I realized it wasn’t who I was “expecting” It was my friend’s dad and he came by to just check on us. I was fine aside from the fact I nearly soiled myself, but I was fine. He stayed shortly, told us we should cool down for awhile, and left.

I cooled down. Eased up. Got loose. Calmed myself, and enjoyed myself. Watched my friends shouting still and constantly going back to light the wicks when necessary. Me and the friend I had discussed the treelines with started talking, goofing off, not staying diligent. I jumped up and down, and went wild, not even noticing the approaching black shadow, who watched us and was not making his weighted advance toward us.

That shadow was an officer.

He was short, stout and bald. An egg shaped head complemented by a very gentle expression and tone.

He greeted us kindly, “WHAT ARE YOU RETARDED!”
We turned to face him. We were busted. Caught red handed, but yet that phrase, rug in my head. “Retarded”. I didn’t mind the anger, I understood why, but yet a professional, uniformed officer of the law, using such a childish, ignorant expression still boils my blood till today.
He continued his sentence, scolding us on , what are we doing here, what a stupid idea it was.
One of the girls, who was clearly offended by the phrase interrupted.

“ We understand officer, but that gives you no right to...”

“ I don’t care what my rights are, I can’t believe why anyone would get such a completely stupid idea to something like this”

I should have stayed in the trees. Wouldn’t have been able to get me in the trees.

Once he was done with his “role model speech”, he asked us our name, numbers and addresses.
All I could think about was him calling my parents. I cringed at the thought of my mom looking at her pyromaniac of a son. I thought about the squad car driving up to my house.

Luckily the heat was off a bit when the lady cop arrived. She was obviously the good cop. She asked my name and address, and I answered in a respectful tone.

Finally they had my friend call his dad. When he arrived, he had on an “angry” face, and by that I mean he was acting. He could careless about the fireworks. He was just there to save us from officer tough guy, and his friendly assistant. He reached for the mason jar but the officer told him to leave it.

Finally I was free to go, the officer warned us not to even think about it again. Which we haven’t ever since, we were overjoyed when we got back to the bonfire, and I really did enjoyed it this time. It was nice to have the feeling of freedom on my mind.

A couple of weeks later me and my two best friends were playing outside my friend’s parent’s shop. We were just finished playing when I noticed a dark shadow come walking down the street. It just so happened it was the same friendly face from before. I quickly dodged back into the shop, pretending to get some water. Leaving the two over friends cornered with officer friendly. Crazy thing is he didn’t even recognize them, I walked back out right when he was leaving.

His word choice still make me think.

The author's comments:
Narrative of Fireworks Incident

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