Definition of Camaraderie | Teen Ink

Definition of Camaraderie

December 17, 2014
By Genevieve Kelsey BRONZE, Mariposa, California
Genevieve Kelsey BRONZE, Mariposa, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It's when you spend so much time with the same group of random strangers that they become family. When, even though you sometimes hate them, that same group has helped you through more hardships than any single friend, boyfriend, girlfriend or parent that you have ever trusted. When, without you even realizing, you love that group of people and you would sacrifice anything for them.

It's when you have stayed up all night working on an assignment, and the people around you stay up too just to keep you company. When that group of people does not even hesitate to sacrifice something, even something as miniscule as time, for you. When that miniscule something seems like the world to you.

It's when you have already ran four miles, your body is about to give out, and you hear the cheering of your squad mates that gives you the push to sprint the last stretch of the the obstacle course. When you have done over a hundred flutter kicks and you are unable to lift you legs even one more time, and you feel someone's legs lift yours to make that last rep just that much easier easier.

It's when you are having a bad day, you do not complain about it, yet the people closest to you know you are troubled. It is when you would not be comforted by anyone else but those few people. When you love that those people sacrifice for you, yet feel guilty that you can not do the same for them, yet do nothing to stop it.

It's when you see someone struggling and you are still performing strong, and you decide to help them instead of finishing first. When you decide that you would rather sacrifice your glory for your squad mates dignity. When you would rather finish the run as a group lightly jogging, than finish with sprinting, but by yourself.

It's when you see that your squad mate has forgotten their hat, and you give them yours so he/she does not get screamed at. When you would rather take an extra hour of P.T. (physical training/torture) than see a squad member that is already thinking about dropping out take another second of physical abuse.

It's when your eyes are full of mud and tears, you have been up since dawn, you have ran more in the last week than the rest of your life, but you still push yourself simply so you do not let down your squad. Because you know that one ounce of weakness would ruin your entire squad's chance of finishing the race, and you know that you would sacrifice anything for them.

It’s the reason I want to go to a Military Academy.

It's Camaraderie.

The author's comments:

This summer I attended both the Air Force Academy Summer Seminar, and the Naval Academy Summer Seminar. I was interested in attending a Military Academy for college before that, but after I attended the summer seminars, I knew that was all I wanted to do. The experience of Summer Seminar also inspired me to write this creative non fiction piece. 

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