First Grade, Kicking My Teacher | Teen Ink

First Grade, Kicking My Teacher

January 29, 2015
By denisse16 BRONZE, Bronx ,ny, New York
denisse16 BRONZE, Bronx ,ny, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My mom had woken me up for school and i saw the sun shinning on my eyes.So on my way to school i was in the car with my father and I tasted the bacen,egg,and cheese sandwhich my father bought me.On my way to school i smelled my schools breakfast and i see my bestfriend diana sitting by her self so i walked to her and huged her.We were the first ones to see M.s fuentez and we huged her then the rest of the class came and we started doing our morning work out process. M.s fuentez had lost her copies for the game we were all suppose to play so she sends me to go get more and i came back up and gave it to her.She was so mad that she even gave the class free time. Diana is playing with the blocks and i walk to her and start playing with her to but after a while things got boring.We switched to the chalkboard and started doing our additions and we did challenges of who knows the additions better and diana had beat me 2 times and i had beat her once.It was time to go to lunch and we start cleaning up and go down after the other classes were already down there so we started to eat our lunch and i share my lunchable with diana.After a while we went up stairs with our class and had free time for the rest of the day.

I started laughing because my friend was throwing color pencils on the floor and started walking on them and he had fell.I had saw my teacher mad because she had lost her class work for us and i over heard her say that she didn't like this job nomore so i felted like if she was going to leave the school so i went back downstairs to go get copies again and came back up stairs. Ms. Fuentez was so mad that at one point she screamed at the class because they were too loud so that also made me feel like if she was going to take her anger out on the class.But she was really mad so we just sat in our chairs and started reading books and talking on a low level.Ms.Fuentez had said sorry to us and she said we could still have our free time so me and Diana went to go play Connect 4 and we made a bet that whoever wins three times in a role gets the dollar.So its our last game and i beat Diana 2 times already and she only beat me once and i finally beat her.I was so excited because it was my first time playing it and i had beat her so i jumped up and i kicked Ms.Fuentez bymistake and she screamed at me then called me stupid before the principal came in the class.After the principal came in the class she pulled me out after she had spoken to M.s Fuentez and told me what M.s Fuentez told her and i said she lied because she called me stupid and i was excited because i had won a bet me and Diana made so the principal send me to sit down in his office and he called my mom.So i was sitting in the principal’s office and my mom had came to pick me up and to have the confrence with Ms.Fuentez but i told her that i had told the principal everything already so i just went back to he class and said sorry to Ms.Fuentez and went home .

The author's comments:

What inspired me to write this story was the book malala because she tryed so hard just to make a school for girls after she got shot in her face.

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