I Believe Memories | Teen Ink

I Believe Memories

March 2, 2016
By NatureBoy BRONZE, Ann Arbor, Michigan
NatureBoy BRONZE, Ann Arbor, Michigan
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Looking back on your memories can determine whether a person has had a good life or a bad life. When we remember the good things that happened it makes us reflect to see how good our life was, and when we remember the bad things it makes us reflect on how terrible it was. It is even believed that memories is what shows the person of who they are.


Memories of my childhood are filled with fun times and a loving experience.  During the winter months, I would go sledding with my family.  My dad, brothers and I would usually look for the highest hill, to see if everyone could handle it.  It was a challenge that we all accepted. We rode the hills on four sleds, a black one with green flames which was my favorite and three red ones.

The tallest hill I remember felt like it was at least 4,000 feet high at the time, though looking back it was more like 40 feet high.  Climbing to the top felt like it took forever, and when we got there, we were winded.  ON the way down, we screamed loud enough for everyone to hear us. When we reached the bottom, our adrenalin was still pumping.

Memories of the fall at my grandparents’ house were great as well. Whenever my brothers and I would come to visit, it was a gamble. Sometimes we would watch tv or play and other times they would put us to work.  The thing I remember most about being put to work, is helping them rake up leaves.  They always have a lot of leaves to rakes.  Sometimes we made piles as big as we could so we could jump in and pretty much swim in it until the leaves were scattered all over the place. Then we would have to rake them back up.


During the summer I stayed with my mom, but I was with my dad and brothers throughout the summer.  A summer memory that sticks out is when three older kids blasted us with water guns. We wanted to get them back for soaking us. So we went to dad asking us to get us water guns but he ended up getting us water balloons instead.  After filling them up, we launched an assault of water balloons at them but not one water balloon hit them. When we ran out, we realized that we were caught in a checkmate, so we ran for our lives.  In the end, we ended up getting squirted again. To be honest that was not a fun experience for us.
I would also remember during the spring when me, my brothers, again, and our grandparents taking us to these parks to catch frogs and crayfish. We would have small nets to catch them with and buckets to hold them with. I remember the first time we caught some crayfish and it was the first time to know about creatures like that. I even remember going to one of those parks with my grandfather and ended up catching a baby turtle. I was happy that I managed to find one, but disappointed that I had to release it. But because being there is fun I often go to the same park every chance get to see the frogs and crayfish.


What I have always believed is that memories are supposed to be visual of your past to know how your life was. My memories showed me that I had a fun and happy life as a child, especially when I’m with my family. And there were also times when my life wasn’t so happy and fun. If you can remember what you experienced then you would believe how good or how bad your life is. I believe that the memories shared with your family is what also shows how much of a good life you have.

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