My Narrative Writing | Teen Ink

My Narrative Writing

September 17, 2018
By Anonymous

A normal day of homeschooling started with me waking up around 7 to 8 o’clock and somedays my mom would have us go to church in the morning. Then I would do my work either in the kitchen or my room. Somedays if I wanted to get my work done fast I could do it all in a few hours and be done by 12 o’clock. But somedays if I was working slow or did something else in the morning I would finish around 3 o’clock. This has changed my life in many ways especially when I changed back to public school in seventh grade. Some ways changing back to public school changed my life are that a normal day was completely different than it was before. Some other way it changed my life is being able to do school where ever I wanted to and the length of a school day. Or simple things like when I ate my lunch or when I woke up. This experience in my life is part of what shaped me to be who I am today.


When I was in the fourth grade I started hybrid homeschool. Hybrid homeschooling is when you go to a school someday and stay home the other days. I did this till the end of sixth grade then in seventh grade I started homeschooling and not going to the hybrid school. Half way threw my seventh grade year my parents decide to switch me and my siblings back to public school for various reasons and decided I would start back at public school after winter break. I didn’t really want to go back to public school because I didn’t know anyone because the last time I saw them was first grade. But I didn’t really have a choice, so I just had to deal with it.


The first day I went back to public school I was scared because I didn’t know anyone because the last time I went to actual public school was in first grade. When I got to school that day, they put all the new kids in one room to give them their schedules and show them around. I was surprised on how many new kids there was and that made me feel better about going back to public school. Some things that I notice that were different right from the start were that the school day was a lot longer and that all teachers wouldn’t let you do the same things like eat in their classroom or pack tour bag before the bell rang. A lot of these changes that happened I didn’t like and some of them I did like.


Some difference between homeschool and public school are the length of the school day when you can eat or when you had to wake up. One of the biggest changes I didn’t like is how long school took to finish. In homeschool I could finish all my work in a few hours but in public school it took however long they set it to be and there was no changing it or getting your work done faster. This whole experience changed my life by making me less shy and being comfortable to talk to people because a lot of the time I would I wouldn’t see people or at the hybrid homeschooling academy there was only about 120 students of twelve grades and pre-k. I think overall changing back to public school was the best option for me personally and am glad I changed back.

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