A Normal Day | Teen Ink

A Normal Day

October 29, 2018
By KawaiiK2 BRONZE, Lake Tapps, Washington
KawaiiK2 BRONZE, Lake Tapps, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

High on Arizona Green Tea, I leaped into the Learning Center with the false ambition to finish Droubay’s calculus homework. I, instead, used my study hall to chat and complain about my boredom. The rest of school was a blur as I was too focused on the time. I mistakenly agreed to cover the 4-10 shift at Subway because I forgot school was starting. As soon as history class was over, I sprinted to my mom’s navy SUV. To her surprise, I didn’t sleep in the car. What she didn’t know is that I was fully caffeinated and ready to handle the night shift.
I actually got to my shift early (thank God for light traffic). I walked into Subway, not even remembering that I was in full Annie Wright uniform and I ran into my 18-year-old co-worker, Ash. He quite literally checked me out, from my plaid skirt to my white polo. “You look good,” he muttered. “Err thanks,” I responded, trying to hide my rosy cheeks. Then I remembered something Chloe told me: guys have a school-girl fetish. Triggered by his lack of depth, I ran into the bathroom to change into my other uniform, so no one else could fetishize my education. As soon as I walked out of the bathroom, Ash once again reminded me how “great” I looked in my uniform and then convinced me to go to GMC with him before our shift started. I agreed because I was curious how many more times he would hit on me. To my surprise, he didn’t and we just continued to chat as friends.

I honestly had no idea why we were going to GMC, but apparently, we were going to get energy drinks. My Mormon parents, who forbid me from ever drinking caffeine, would not have pleased. “Thought you might like this,” Ash said, handing me a “Rainbow Unicorn” flavored energy drink. “Uhhhhh,” I muttered, looking at the ingredient list. “What a gentleman,” said one of the GMC clerks. Oh god no, I thought. I am definitely not dating Ash. After Ash engaged in small talk with the clerks, trying to charm himself into a discount, we left. I left running because we were already late to our shift, while Ashed walked because “Jim’s in Hawaii.”I always prefer clocking in early and clocking out late because it forces Jim, the owner of the Lakeland Hills, to pay me a few cents more. This time I clocked in at 4:03 pm which annoyed me because it wasn’t an even number.

The author's comments:

A description of my day, with a sprinkle of my cheeky comments.

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