What Freedom of Speech Means to Me | Teen Ink

What Freedom of Speech Means to Me

November 13, 2018
By bonehead43 GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
bonehead43 GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I wake up in the morning, eat breakfast, then head to school. I hope to one day accomplish my American Dream and become the most successful person I can be. And I understand how the choices I make, the things I say, and the work I put in can change who I will become. This is America’s freedom and I can become whomever I want.

A young boy in America learns what this country is all about. Going to a baseball game with his grandfather, he stands for the National Anthem. Every morning before school, he recites The Pledge of Allegiance aloud with the class. He spends time with family celebrating holidays and birthdays. His parents come home from work and talk about their days and enjoy the evening together. Living in America is living our best lives with the ones we love.

My grandpa was drafted in WWII but never saw action. My great uncle stormed through Omaha beach. Both risked everything they had for America's rights and freedoms, and their memory will stay with me for life.

Many people do not appreciate things until they are gone. Growing up as a U.S. citizen with the rights we have, can shape us to accomplish anything we put our minds to. Having the freedom to vote and share our opinions and voices can help us do our best to make this a better country. The way the United States is today could not have been done without our troops. Thank you for everything you have ever done for us.   

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