Blue | Teen Ink


November 27, 2018
By mtmelerine BRONZE, St. Bernard, Louisiana
mtmelerine BRONZE, St. Bernard, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This was the last thing I needed. Today already seemed like it was from hell, but this was the icing on the cake. Hormones were raging, stress was at an all time high, and all I could keep saying was “This can not be happening. Not today.”

Knowing I had to acknowledge the problem, I slowly looked up and into my rear view mirror. The color blue invaded my vision and that’s when I knew my parents were going to kill me. I instantly burst into tears. Turning and looking at my sister, all I could manage to get out was “Am I getting pulled over?” The fear on her face made me felt even worse.  As I was flying down the highway, knowingly going over the speed limit, I somehow forgot that all normal traffic rules were still in play. My next few words were along the lines of “I literally had the worst day,” as I prepared to face the officer.

The day started just as any Friday at school would; prayers, announcements and the unending scramble of girls in the hallways. But for some reason, there seemed to be an added sense of anxiety for the senior class. This particular Friday was the most important day for the seniors, the day before our final spirit day. Banners and costumes continuously flew through the school, cheers were being repeated with every step down the halls; yet all of this was to be kept secret from the other grades until the following Monday.

Normally, this would be an exciting day for the senior class. The entire day was spent reminiscing about the past while practicing and yearning for the future. But for student council, this particular Friday at the end of August caused mass panic. Everything had to be done perfectly, but time was not on our side.

As the school day came to an end, my sense of sanity was even more forgone. I started yelling and arguing with my closest friends because I needed an outlet for my frustration. Even the simplest task of applying tape to a spirit banner brought me to tears. The evening continued to approach and I still had many activities left on my agenda. Somehow, I needed time to sort out last minutes details for our big day on Monday yet make it home in time for a family dinner. I ran around school like a madman trying to gather both my thoughts and belongings. After about an hour and a half after school, I knew it was time to go. Whether or not all my stuff had been together or not, I was running out of time; I had to attend this dinner. I put all my faith in my friends to carry out the rest of our duties, praying for the best.

Without even thinking, I yelled at my sister from the front of the school and told her to sprint to the car, embarrassing us both. On the way home, I tried my hardest to weave in and out traffic at every open opportunity.  I constantly accelerated in the left lane and ran through every yellow light. My only concern was making it home in time. Then, as I saw the lights, my heart dropped into my stomach.

As I slowed down and switched into the right lane, the police officer flew past me and continued on his way. My sister and I exchanged puzzled looks as the cop car continued to speed past me, still having his blue lights flashing. Needless to say, I made sure to drive extra cautiously for the rest of the ride home, forgetting the rush I was in before. The need to get home suddenly faded from my mind as a silent relief spread throughout the car.

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