White with Height | Teen Ink

White with Height

November 29, 2018
By Anonymous

Sneakers sliding across the gym floor, sweat dripping down, and Cubs leading the scoreboard was a sight of horror for me. Being 6’0 feet tall meant that I was on the eighth grade basketball team. The problem was that I was not athletic, competitive, or remotely interested in the game. I would rather have been the brains behind the playbook, but no I was a pawn of height intimidation for other teams. But none of that bothered me as much as this game. We were up by twenty points in the fourth quarter, the starters were worn out, and I was on the bench ready to play, so coach thought. Coach called a timeout and my heart sank far into my stomach, my nerves shot up, and my ears tuned everything out, but I knew what Coach told me: “Kendall, you’re in”. Great. I was already embarrassed for wearing a basketball uniform that was too long and baggy- and for being an awkward 15 year old, 6’0 tall, blonde, loud girl- but now I was even more embarrassed. As the referee called time back in, I stood by the benches, feet not moving. The game had started without me. All thought, concentration, and any indication of common sense was out the door at this point. Then I did the most embarrassing thing in the entire world of basketball. I walked onto the court. If common sense was present, I would have gone by the referee stand and wait to be checked into the game. But no that is not what happened. Instead, I walked onto the court and heard the most humiliating sound I have ever heard in my life. The whistle. I was not even on the court for five seconds, but I managed to get the whistle blown at me. Did that stop me from walking farther on to the court? No. I did not realize the whistle was being blown at me, so I continued to walk onto the court and told the girl I was going in for that she could go to the bench. I did not realize that the whistle was blown at me until the referee grabbed my arm and blew the whistle in my face. I had gotten a technical foul for walking onto the court without getting checked in. With my face beat red, tears in my eyes, negative thoughts running through my head, I walked off the court. In that moment I learned a very important lesson that has guided me throughout my life. I am determined to find out why God played a sick joke on me for making me super white with at an outrageous height.

The author's comments:

I wrote about growing up with height, but absolutely no athletic ability and the struggles that came along with that. 

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