Overcoming a Struggle | Teen Ink

Overcoming a Struggle

December 20, 2018
By eveindy05 BRONZE, Indianpolis, Indiana
eveindy05 BRONZE, Indianpolis, Indiana
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We all struggle with something in life, I have always struggled in school.  Basic tasks like keeping up my grades, organizing my work, time management, and ect. At a young age I was diognosed with ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder). Growing up with ADD is hard you have trouble with organization, focusing, and remembering things. With all of that I suffered with depression and a lack of confidence in myself. I had trouble communicating with others, because I felt that no one cared. To this day I still strugle and have moments where I feel depressed. I have made friends over the years that support me during rough times. My teachers and family also support me and push me to do my best in life. I´ve learned to put 110% effort in everything I do. You see If you really want success, you need to want it as much as you want sleep. My grades have gone up and I´m happy all the time. Life is hard at times but sometimes you just need to push through it. You will make it trust me. 

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