Event from Nature (Yosemite National Park) | Teen Ink

Event from Nature (Yosemite National Park)

March 5, 2019
By Anonymous

We all see events from nature that leave us in awe. My nature experience- Yosemite National Park- involves the feeling of sight. It also reveals  the sound that the park had to offer. And the final sense it demonstrated for me was the smell that arose from the park.

One event from nature that I vividly remember is when i visited Yosemite National Park, and we were seeing all the different sites the park had to offer, and I remember going to the highest part of the park and just looking down, and seeing all the animal life and looking up and seeing Half Dome. It is the the sense that we take for granted, and is the reason I was even able to see, the park in its entirety. I was able to go to Glacier Point and look down to the trees and to see  

The sense that most affected me during all this experience was probably my hearing. I could hear many different things throughout the trip. The most notable being that I was able to hear the rushing water crash on the rocks, when we were around the Yosemite Falls, I could hear it from a ways away. Their was also a distinct sound that was there, I can’t really explain it, but it was a sound that nature can only produce, and then for the most part you could hear, nothing pure silence.

The final sense was the smell, it didn’t smell like anything other than a natural kind of smell. I don’t know how to describe it, it was like fresh air with there begin trees all over the park. There was no distinct smell from the park that made it smell like, this is different. It did smell a little different, but nothing dramatically different.

As stated earlier, there are many events in nature that leave us in awe, and my experience with that has to do with Yosemite National Park, when we visited last year.

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