A New Home | Teen Ink

A New Home

March 26, 2019
By Anonymous

Bang! Rolling over many rocks on the road, I am shaken awake. We pass the Kansas state line on our way to Boulder, Colorado. I am very uncertain about moving away from all my friends to a city where I do not know anyone. My dad keeps saying that he has an amazing job opportunity in Boulder, but I do not think it is worth leaving everything I have ever known. Feeling uncomfortable,  I am being squished by the luggage on my right and my annoying younger brother on my left. The drive is eight hours, and I have been trying to sleep most of the way. My brother shakes me awake, and he yells in my ear that we are ten minutes away. I quickly look out the window to see a never ending luscious green forest ahead. As we arrive at the house, I realize it is far away from all the other houses. I am used to living in a neighborhood where the houses are right next door to each other. My mom tells me that there are three acres of land between each house. I am trying to be optimistic about the house, because my first impression was not what I was hoping for. As I stare at the old house, I see the white paint peeling from the outside, and the shutters are about to fall off. The garden in front of the house and the surrounding trees are growing out of control. To please my parents, I pretend that I love the house, but in reality it needs a more than a few changes. When I walk inside, the house is very clean, but each room needs new floors and paint. I decide to tell my father that the house needs many improvements, and he surprisingly said that we can start tomorrow. I lay my sleeping bag on the floor in the living room and try to fall asleep. The floors under me creak as I toss and turn in the middle of the night. Early in the morning, my mom and brother take the task of painting the rooms which I did not want to do. My father and I decided to pull up the floors in the living room. As we are halfway through the room, I move my sleeping bag to pull up that piece of flooring. As I struggle to pull that piece off , I decide to tug with all my strength. As a result, the piece of floor opened a trap door, and I fall down what felt like a few feet. To my knowledge, I am not in the living room anymore. The air is cold, and I am sitting in darkness. I look up to see the light coming up from where the floor was. My dad looks down at me as I look up at him in panic. He throws a flashlight down to me as I stay in the patch of light. Using the flashlight, I found a light switch. I could not believe my eyes as to what I see. I call my dad to come down as we see a bunch of arcade games. In excitement, I beg my dad to fix up the old arcade room today. He agrees, and we worked on the room for the whole day. When the room is finally done I call my mom and brother to come down. We order pizza to our house and play games together until the night. I thought to myself, “ Maybe our new house is not so bad after all.”

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This article has 1 comment.

Sparaxis GOLD said...
on Apr. 12 2019 at 9:17 am
Sparaxis GOLD, Saint Marys, Georgia
13 articles 1 photo 307 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you keep on picking on me, I'll mess up again. This time, on PURPOSE."

I wasn't expecting the ending like that. Cool experience.