Improving our Education | Teen Ink

Improving our Education

October 3, 2019
By Joycelyn2004 BRONZE, Lowell, North Carolina
Joycelyn2004 BRONZE, Lowell, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 “Every year, over 1.2 million students drop out of high school in the United States alone” ( There are too many students dropping out of school for preventable things. Such as poor education, family reasons, or money are reasons that students drop out of school. As Americans, it is our job to make sure all of the students in America get an equal education. And by making adjustments to our school systems, we can achieve that goal. 

One of the changes incorporates the budget for the schools. If the school does not have proper funding, the materials needed for the classroom may not be available to the students. Because of this, the State issued tests at that school will have a lower test score than those at a school with the proper materials. Due to this, the students at that school are more likely to drop out because of poor education. If the state were to increase school budgets and provide more of the required materials, no student would have a poor education. Giving each student a better education would make them successful and inclined to move onto college.

Another thing that the school system should make adjustments to are those who have issues at their homes. For example, those in low-income homes or complicated living situations that make it difficult for them to attend school. Some students have dropped out of school to support their families because their parents no longer could, or their parent solely isn't reliable. Each school should offer after school classes so that that child still has an opportunity to get a proper education even though they do not attend regular school. Allowing each child to get a high school diploma gives each child the opportunity at a better future. A future in which they pursue which every career they want to persevere. 

Schools in "low-income neighborhoods are often not able to offer college preparatory classes required for application to universities." Meaning the children in those schools are not getting the education they deserve and are less likely to move onto college. Some people that live in low-income neighborhoods do not apply for college because they know that their families will not be able to afford it. And instead, drop out of high school to help their families gain money. But if the government increased school funding and college preparatory classes in low-income schools, those students could be prepared for college and be able to apply for scholarships. 

My grandmother dropped out of high school for family reasons and later went back to get her GED so she could support her kids. After my grandmother dropped out of high school to raise her kids my grandfather passed away, and she had no way to support her kids. She then went back to school so that she could support her kids and give them a better life. She has a total of six kids that were dependent on her to provide for them. If she had been able to  take separate classes and get her GED on time

In the end, if our government makes some changes to the system and better supports the future of the world's education high school dropout rates would greatly decrease. Making the future generations able to further succeed in any career path that they choose to take, thanks to the education they received provided by the state government.

The author's comments:

My name is Joycelyn M., I have 2 siblings, Jaime and Jalen and live with my parents, Wanda and Tony. I play the flute in the marching band and I am a cheerleader at Ashbrook. I hope that this essay sheds a light on some of the problems in the education system.

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on Nov. 6 2019 at 2:54 pm
Emaan_zahra_ijaz GOLD, Sharjah, Other
12 articles 14 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life"

Well written, I too agree with this!!