How I almost drowned | Teen Ink

How I almost drowned

October 17, 2019
By Anonymous

When I was going into third grade I was at a retreat for disney. On one of the off days that we weren’t at the park we were outside in the hot Florida sun either swimming or playing in a lake. One of the times that we were in the lake, my family found these floating jungle jim things that you had to get to the top. It was like king of the hill. They were attached to ropes that were nailed to the ground. Everyone in my family was on one side of it making it lean very far one way. I was on the other side trying to get up. There was so much weight that it came unattached from the ground. It flipped upside down and landed on my head. It was on top of me and I was trapped underwater. Gasping for air I tried to swim up and created a little air bubble because it was an inflatable. It pushed me back down and I thought I was dead, due to my life jacket pushing me back into the thing. I though quick and took off my life jacket and wished for life. Then I swam for what seemed like forever but was only a few seconds. I found myself so close yet so far away. It was when I started seeing stars that my head came out of the water and I took a big long sigh of relief. My family had been scared to the fact that I might have been dead. They saw me and everybody sighed and I lived. I had later ran up to the lifeguard who had watched the entire thing and I asked told him what happened and asked what happened. He said that it had been pulled out of the ground due to too much weight. They had people snorkel down to the bottom to put it back and fix it. I walked away from that day traumatised and scared. 

The author's comments:

I almost drowned on what has been known as the best week of your life.

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