Trust | Teen Ink


October 25, 2021
By Anonymous

David was tapping keys on his computer and being very annoying. It was a very quiet library with only our class and a sixth grade class in it. Dan was sitting in the comfy chair in front of David. The day was very windy, but still fairly sunny. The cool breeze was blowing through the door, letting flies in and amplifying the sound of silence and occasional fast clicking of the keys. Everybody around David was laughing silently. A teacher from a class of sixth graders thought we were being too loud and came over    and said. “Put yourself in check or leave this school.” Once everybody stopped talking and only David’s typing was left, Dan wondered what David was doing. “Was he actually doing something that was important, Or was he just doing it to annoy Dan?” David kept clicking away with the keys and his mouse. A minute later Dan thought, “A lot of people are working in this room. What could he possibly be doing that would need such loud clicking?” He then thought that it was just his typing style. Then Ethan came in. He brought a very loud keyboard and was typing very loudly on it. The 6th grade teacher kicked him out. After a while, Dan had enough with David’s extremely loud typing, and went to check what David was doing. He was making a resume for a new job he was applying for. He noticed quite a few tabs open on his computer. “Oh well.” thought Dan, “He’s probably making a resume for the new job he was applying for. Right?” 

The author's comments:

I was in a school library thinking of something to write, when it came to me. I should write about what is happening around me. I of course came up with fake names but the story is true.

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