The flavor of childhood | Teen Ink

The flavor of childhood

June 1, 2022
By KIVR01 BRONZE, Santo Domingo, Other
KIVR01 BRONZE, Santo Domingo, Other
1 article 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Listen to New Rules

A 2014 study showed that a direct link between the region of taste memory can connect to the place where you tried that flavor. Since I was a kid I have loved the fruit punch flavor juice, and when my mom would take me to the supermarket to choose my school lunch, I would always choose fruit punch flavor juice. One time when me and my mom were at the supermarket where I used to buy my juice, It smelled cold and fruity, and that was the place where all of my memories were made. The colors were light brown and green, and I was feeling happy because I was a little kid, being naive and not having to worry about life, picking my juice for tomorrow's school day. I went straight to the Capri Sun fruit punch drink, and I completely loved it. Thinking about that day makes me happy and miss those times when everything would be resolved with my mom and my dad, and wanting to grow up.

“You can pick any flavor that you want for tomorrow,” said my mom.

“There are so many flavors to pick from, which one should I pick?” That was the moment when I saw the Capri Sun juice. “Mom, can I choose the fruit punch Capri Sun juice?”

“Sure thing, you can pick any juice you want,” That right there gave me the opportunity to pick my favorite juice of all time, fruit punch. That takes me to a few days ago when I was at the supermarket and we were in the drink aisle. I was looking at the drinks and immediately when I saw the Ice fruit punch juice I took it, and in seconds It was in the cart. I didn't even have to think twice to grab it. It was an immediate thought. It was already automatic. I knew what I wanted, because of how I used to crave it.   

Do you know that impatient feelling? That was the feeling that I had when going to the car after paying for my juice, even though I'm already impatient. When I got to the car, I hopped in, grabbed my juice from the bag, removed the cap, and heard the satisfying sound of a fruit punch gas drink. I gave my first sip to the juice, and it was like a teleportation to my childhood. The taste was that of nostalgia and a mix of happiness. It took me to those afternoons in the supermarket, and going to my grandma's house after. Memories that remain just as a feeling, nothing else nothing more. When things so simple were complicated. And where laughing is the only thing you remember. 

How can a flavor so simple like fruit punch be so full of memories? Is there anything else that can make me feel like this? No. Nothing can replace the mild sweet fresh fruit punch flavor. That is my flavor, my juice, my memories, and I don't share them with anyone else, and it takes me to the question, should I change at least one time and try a different flavor? I can vary sometimes, but I have this emotional attachment to fruit punch flavor, so I can't. I feel like there is no other flavor that can make me feel the way fruit punch does. But that was a short eternity. It was time to change things up. Because sometimes you just have to keep trying new things, new flavors, so that one day we can look back at those memories and laugh or cry or even get mad. 

Finally, now I'm making new memories, new stories, new friends for me to look back on in the future, not everything is going to be as it was. Just as I look back to all my childhood memories when drinking fruit punch juice. With a new flavor I can do the same later on in life. Life is about making memories. Repeating the same ones is just boring. And we have to do crazy things, experience new things to have something to look back on. Future me is going to thank me for making strawberry flavor a new teleportation to memories from my teen life.

The author's comments:

In this piece I talk about the memories you get from drinking a special juice, that for me was fruit punch. It goes on, about how we have to change things up sometimes for new memories to come.

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