Type of Men I Grew With | Teen Ink

Type of Men I Grew With

June 3, 2022
By Anonymous

People fall into wrong conclusions sometimes. That sentence describes how I “realized” that the “perfect man”is far from being from Latin America. That was the only thing that crossed my mind while seeing my aunt’s husband help her around the house. It may be weird to have some sort of hatred towards the kind of men that belong to my culture, but it wasn’t always like that. When I was younger I never really thought about that, because I was innocent and careless about my future relationships.  The hatred honestly came after two small things that happened. 

The first one was when I changed schools. In my other schools, kids my age were gentlemen from most of the oldest and youngest, but as soon as I came to the CCL, my experience with boys wasn't lovely. My brother told me several times to give them a chance, and that I was overreacting. He said that until I showed him the kind of stuff they talked about and the things they sent.

Hey, I will show you some videos that the boys in the school group chat sent.- I said
I proceeded to upload two videos that they sent that are disgusting. So disgusting that I still can't believe I didn’t throw up when I first watched them.

Here are the worst videos the world could ever see. So bad that not even the worst people will see, so bad…
“Just play the video!- My brother said.”
The videos started playing. He smiled. My brother laughed, not because he found the video funny but because of something else. He was laughthing because he thougtt the were idiotic. Him, being his straightforward and really honest self said: “Okay. My friends and I said to send weird things to each other, but nothing like that”

“Wow” I thought to myself. Guys that are 18+ don't send that kind of content to each other, meanwhile some kids my age send mature content, like women with exagerated body shape, jokes about pedophilia and things close to naked people, expecting that we’ll laugh. They are so desperate, childish and don't even have personality. “Wow” I thought to myself once again. The fact that they think that’s so cool, and that every girl is falling for them, made them be more idiotic in the eyes of every girl in out classroom. We could say that they actually did not help with my bad image of latin men, they didn't make it better or worse, they just didn't help.  I say that it didn't help, because it only generated disliking, that boiling feeling of hate or not hate just disappointment came right after I heard those whispered words in my ear “you don't get that kind of man in Latin America”

I remember once going to visit my aunt. My aunt is one of the most hardworking, dedicated, smart and fun persons in my life.When we arrived to her house, the house was sparkling clean, it smelled fresh, and like lemon zest. How was she able to clean if she had a surgery performed on her foot recently? I wondered. My question got answered when I saw her husband washing the dishes. And that is a stupid last straw, it is. I was so happy thinking that my aunt had someone so nice. when my aunt came to the room to keep playing with us, someone whispered in my ear, “you don't get that kind of man in Latin America”. Those words hitted in my most vulnerable moment, just while I was analyzing and organizing my thoughts. How stupid it is to let simple word influence you so much? I was falling into a hole, I was lost, lost in a forest of the trees of lies, or were those lies? It was, the lie was that they were including all latin men in general. I do know that there are amazing and incredible men everywhere, so why? Why did I believe that? How could I be silly enough to generalize and hate all latin guys just because one mistreated me? I can't hate all men just because some are immature, sexist or disgusting, but my experience with them hasn't been the most magical one either. 

But,do I dislike men from Latin America? Looking back, it's because of all the things people told me about them. People shaped a hatred toward those men in me. I don't hate them, because every country has its good and bad people. There are men that are mean and other gentle, nowadays I honestly don't give a crap about it. People will be people, they will fail and have their flaws but it's up to them if they want to change or not.

The author's comments:

DISCLAIMER: This work is racist. It's made from my old perspective on how my view of some men got distorted by some personal experience.

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