The PS5 Obsession | Teen Ink

The PS5 Obsession

September 12, 2022
By Anonymous

Gaming has been a big part of my life since I could remember. The most recent gaming system to come out for Sony was the Playstation 5. Owning my own system was like giving a fat kid unlimited stock of his favorite candy. The biggest question was if I should buy it now, or wait until Black Friday. 

Being the first to buy anything has its perks. The first perk was to be able to brag to friends about having the console. This was important to me because my friends are quick to remind me that they are first to own something new. The second perk was to review the Playstation 5 first. I am able to tell my friends the pros and cons of the PS5. Lastly, it is important for me to own the Playstation 5 now, so that there isn't a urge to buy one. This urge can be a distraction from school and other daily activities.

Waiting to own a Playstation 5 has its benefits also has its benefits. The first benefit would be a decrease in price to buy one by waiting a few months for Black Friday. Besides saving money, Black Friday is a chaotic and exciting shopping experience, The next benefit, waiting for the Playstation 5, would have to be if I really want it or not. It might just be a phase that I go through. Also the rating, this determination can be made by listening to friends and youtubers.

My decision was made the week before Black Friday. As I spent Thanksgiving break indoors cuddled up in a blanket, with a warm heater feeling like a baby wrapped in swaddle blanket. As I felt warm and cuddled up, my father entered my room and asked “Do you still want it?”  In a tranquil sounded voice I mumbled “yes”, then I started to slowly let out a smile.

I don’t ask for much. But when I do, I want it, As the days passed, the day finally arrived. As I woke up to the smell of eggs and bacon , I became extremely motivated. The day had finally come and I was ready. With excitement stored in me, things felt slower. Like time, if you’ve ever heard the reference “You going so slow, that you're going backwards” that's how I felt. 

Hours had passed with dreams soon to be a reality. We left the house and began to drive to Best Buy. As we pulled into the parking lot, there had already been a line forming around the corner of the building. I was worried it felt like I had been shot by an arrow and soon to collapse to the floor.

We began to sit in line, until around seven ‘o clock, then the store sale commenced . People rushing towards the items that they wanted to buy, almost looked like a looting fest. As I began to walk with a pep in my step. My heart rate was steadily increasing as I walked closer, and closer. When I arrived to the Playstation 5 , I picked it up with two hands, and began to walk with intention to the cash register. When I arrived at the register I put it on the table and she had scanned it. Once that was done, I knew my dream had officially become true.

This experience made me realize that good things come to those who wait. My decision taught me that I should always weigh the cost and benefit of purchasing something this big. Not only did I get what I really wanted by waiting, but I also saved some money along the way. The extra money allowed me to make a couple extra purchases for the upcoming holiday.


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Hi, My name is Ricardo Cordova, and Im from TX.

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