Essay Contest: Helping a Teammate | Teen Ink

Essay Contest: Helping a Teammate

September 30, 2022
By Anonymous

Last night at practice in Beaver Dam, Wisconsin around 7:30 we were getting ready to do a full run of our program and a girl on our team fell and twisted her ankle really badly so I went over to her and got her water and helped her up and off the ice. 

She was freaking out “No, no no no no, this is how i broke my ankle last time no.” I tried to help her calm down. “It’s okay kenzie you will be okay” “No, i don’t want to be on crutches at school that’s so embarrassing.” I let her know that it would be okay and to relax. I sat with her for a little bit and helped her take off her ice skate. She wanted me to stay by her so I did until I was needed back on ice with the rest of the team. 

I helped her to relax because all she was thinking about was the last time she fell and broke her ankle. But this time it wasn’t broken. I kept on checking on her every 15 minutes or so until she left. She sat there for quite some time just cheering everyone on. I went over by her one last time before she left and we looked to see if her ankle was swollen and it was. 

We got her fall on video so all she wanted to do was watch the video. We all watched the video and it looked pretty bad. She continued to freak herself out until someone finally got her to calm down. Her dad showed up and took her home. Today all I'm doing is checking up on her. She went to the doctor and found out that it is broken. 

The author's comments:

This is a submission for the Teens Making a Difference essay contest.

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