Raeding | Teen Ink


October 3, 2022
By Anonymous

We are at my house, it’s late and my sister is studying for a test she has the next day in AP Government and Politics. We are having a hard time concentrating because we are both tired. We have been doing this a lot at this point because she is struggling with her classes because of her dyslexia. 

We are watching videos on the AP classroom website and going through old assignments and review guides, but nothing is seeming to stick. This was a really tough unit and my sister barely understands any of the material. She has struggled on the past several tests because she is not a great test taker, so I am trying to give her some advice so she at least can tell which answers are wrong if she can’t tell which ones are right on the multiple choice portion of the test.


She is barely talking, we have been doing this for two and a half hours at this point and we will do it for another hour and a half. I took the class the previous year so I understood and remembered most of the content and was doing my best to explain it but she wasn’t saying much other than repeating what I was saying. At the end of the night I wasn’t super optimistic of how much she understood, but if she was going to fail it wasn’t because we didn’t put in the time or the effort.

She finally took the test and when she got it back it was an 85, which is a win in my book.

The author's comments:

My sister is the best, and deserves the world.

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