Getting Freedom | Teen Ink

Getting Freedom

October 18, 2022
By audrey1718 BRONZE, Lambertville, Michigan
audrey1718 BRONZE, Lambertville, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

 After a long day of school, I make my way down to the cafeteria for another class. But instead of school classes, it’s a class that can give me the thing we all want, freedom.  I sat in the cold cafeteria for 2 long hours, answering questions and taking notes on driving. I daydream after class about driving myself home from school. Being able to park in the vast parking lot behind the school and be able to stay at the school without rushing to find ways home. With that tiny, plastic card, I would be able to pick up friends and drive around all by ourselves. Only if I get this card, I can finally feel the feeling a lot of teenagers long for. If I can finally ace the test, I can have endless possibilities on where to go or what to do. But the scary question would be, would I ever get it? 

As weeks went on, I continued to go to the class. I wrote all of the long notes in my blue notebook and did assignments from the thick packet of work they gave us. When the testing day came for the class, It was nerve racking. Taking the 80 question test, not knowing what I was going to get caused my nerves to be through the roof.  Once I was called to look at my score, I slowly made my way to the far end of the cafeteria. With the rows and rows of tan tables and the white projector screen in the front of the room. As I reached the teacher, he greeted me with a smile that caused my nerves to ease. I looked down at the test I once had and saw the red writing at the top, 79/80. I passed it. I was now able to prepare for my driving test in the months to come. 

After 6 months of driving with my parents, I finally am able to take the long awaited test. The test that would finally answer the question I’ve been wondering. The test that could give me the freedom I longed for. My actual driving test.  As I step in my car, the fresh smell of flowers hits my face while I close my door. I sit down on the tan, soft seats and put my seatbelt on. I put the key in the ignition and heard the loud hum of the large engine under the hood. As the car comes to life, all the little lights on the dash turn on, slightly lighting up the previously dark car. With the radio up slightly, I prepare myself for what’s going to come. I listen to the instructor as I drive on the crowded highway. Nervous, I tried to steady my hands to seem as calm as possible. But I convinced myself that the nerves and long wait was going to be worth it. The instructor told me that the next exit was going to be where I got off and with that I prepared for the next step. I made my way to the right lane and quickly got off the highway, the instructor smiled and told me I did great the whole ride. 

With the very kind instructor in the passenger seat and my dad in the back, I cautiously drove back to the school. Excited as I parked, I watched the tall, older guy walk back to his car to gather paperwork. He was wearing professional clothes, Khaki dress pants and a polo shirt as this was his job. He was intently staring at the paperwork in his hand, writing quickly. I anxiously waited for him to return to my dad and I and finally find out if I passed. When he came back with the paperwork, indicating I finally was able to get that plastic card, I was on cloud 9. I was finally going to be able to drive alone and feel like more of an adult. As he was getting ready to leave, we shook his hand and thanked him for being there. My dad and I got ready to drive home once he left, excited to tell the rest of my family and friends the news.  

Being able to finally get my license helped me in my everyday life a lot. It allowed me to be more flexible with my work schedule and be able to do more things everyday that I love to do without having to plan it out weeks in advance. From here, I want to continue to get better at my driving and slowly go to more and more places as much as I can. Being able to finally feel more freedom was an amazing feeling to experience and I can’t wait to go on many more adventures with that tiny plastic card.

The author's comments:

Being able to get my license was a big deal for me. Finally being able to be more independent was an exciting feeling to finally get to have. 

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