Foggy Morning | Teen Ink

Foggy Morning

October 24, 2022
By Anonymous

As I walked outside on a foggy October morning before school, I witnessed a family of deer contently eating grass. Within seconds, one of the animals instantly glanced up at me, even though I had tried my hardest to be quiet. As I looked at them, it was as if a staring contest had begun. After only ten seconds in, I felt as though they were staring into my soul and I didn’t know how much longer I could hold on. The contest abruptly ended with the deer quickly running off into the thick haze of air beyond a nearby building. 

Turning my key to start the car, I heard the warm air from the air conditioning system filter through the vents. My windshield was still covered in dew. While I waited for the windshield to be clear off, I thought to myself, “I wonder if I’ll get a chance to see the deer again?’’ After about five minutes of waiting, I could finally see a backyard landscape out of my windshield. Before heading down the driveway in reverse, I looked to the right and left in hopes of seeing the staring deer once more. But unfortunately, I was out of luck; they were likely long gone and on to new adventures. 

A little disappointed, I let my car continue in reverse down the crooked drive to avoid being late for school. Checking one’s mirrors is essential while slowly backing out of my driveway or you’ll end up in one of the ditches that saddle it. Midway down the drive, I noticed something moving in my back mirror. I thought to myself, “could it possibly be that deer family?” I tried not to get my hopes up because the chances were so slim. At the end of the driveway, I enthusiastically glanced to my left and right in hopes of seeing that family of deer once more. Shockingly, several statues like deer were looking right at me. Immediately, I knew it was the same family of deer I saw earlier as their looks were unmistakable.

A small smile began to form on my face as I continued to the edge of the driveway. As I reached the road, I looked to my left once more at the deer, taking a mental picture, before heading off to school for the day. Seeing the deer family peacefully eating that morning, I knew that no matter what stresses came up throughout the day I could always think back to the peaceful nature encounter I had witnessed.  Recalling the memory and mental image would calm me as there was just something so serene in their behavior and attitude towards me.

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