Her Favorite Song | Teen Ink

Her Favorite Song

November 8, 2022
By soape BRONZE, Cupertino, California
soape BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

She’s sitting at her desk doing homework, with her favorite song on loop in the background. She nods her head along to the chorus while solving a math problem. She finally finishes, and takes off her headphones to get ready for bed. 

She lazily pulls out her math notes, then hits shuffle on her favorite playlist. She begins to review for her test tomorrow, but stops when a familiar tune comes on.

What used to be her favorite song one year ago now filled the room. She hasn’t heard it in a while. 

She stops to reminisce about how life was back then, thinking about how a year had gone by without her even thinking about it. She embraces the longing feeling of wanting to travel back to the time when everything was so much easier.  

After a while, she hits the skip button and continues to review her test, but can’t focus with the longing feeling hogging up her mind. She sets the pencil down once again, and wonders where she’ll be when the current song playing becomes just a memory of the past.

The author's comments:

In this piece, I describe the feeling of nostalgia and the sudden realization of how fast time passes. I wrote it in the third person, and also used a time skip, which is signaled with the extra spacing.

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