The one thing I can't live without | Teen Ink

The one thing I can't live without

September 27, 2023
By Anonymous

My grand piano

The one thing I can't live without is my grand piano because I have been playing piano for seven years now and I would not like to lose all of my knowledge and practice of playing the piano to waste. The piano is also very expensive and having to buy another one would cost a lot of money. When I go on vacation and don’t play the piano for a week I tend to feel gloomy. When I come home and sit down and play, I like to listen to what I am playing and it makes me feel lots of different emotions. I also like playing piano with friends when they come over and it is a good bonding experience for both of us. Just listening to others play the piano especially at a party in the winter makes me feel warm inside. Without listening to the piano, life would be without rhythm and sound which would be very dry. Music is something that brings us all together no matter what culture we are from. I would like to play the piano without someone who is from a different continent like Africa, even if he didn't know how to speak English we could still bond by playing the piano together. It cures boredom and is a great ignitor of energy for all of us. Even people who cant play a musical instrument. I can also play the piano by ear just listening to a song. My friends have me listen to a song and start to play the piano part and then they come in singing along and I like being in that type of atmosphere. 

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