The Bag | Teen Ink

The Bag

September 27, 2023
By AHSbaseballwriter GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
AHSbaseballwriter GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear me,

That baseball bag. Why that baseball bag? Out of everything, why that baseball bag? Your car, your shoes, your PlayStation. Out of everything, why that baseball bag? Is it because of the price? No. Is it because of the things in it? No. It is the memories. Not only is it my favorite thing to do but it is therapy. I would never have gotten into baseball if it weren’t for my grandpa. We play and practice every year. He coaches me and teaches me. If I'm angry all I have to do is swing harder or throw hard. It is an instant release. Without baseball what character would I have. Learning teamwork, mental strength, and physical strength all as I get older. 

I grew up with this sport so how could I leave it now? Baseball is not a sport; it's much more than that. It's where people connect. It's America's pastime. Sure it's not cheap, but money comes back that baseball gear I grew up using never does. But that car, it's too young to have memories. Those shoes are just for walking. That PlayStation can only provide so much entertainment. But that baseball gear is an emotional release, its proof of growth over time. I have grown so much in baseball, practicing so hard, all in the same gear. Sure as I got older I got a new bat, glove, helmet, and shoes. Everything that has a use will need to be replaced at some point. New memories are made with the new, old ones are forgotten. Not with baseball, the first glove you learned to catch ends up passed through the family. The first breakout year, that bat is used for as long as can be and then ends up a piece of history. But the shoes grow old and rip, and the car crashes and never runs again.

Coaches and family can bring out the worst in you but the ones that do it right, like my grandpa,  can bring out the best. Having the best coach I ever have while using my glove is such an odd feeling. Knowing coaches of the past do not believe in me and do not want me to play. Waiting, expecting this coach to turn on me like the rest. But that never ends up happening. He believes in me, trusts me, and teaches me. Just from that I became the best baseball player I have ever been. All with that one glove. Learning and growing is not easy, but is needed with baseball. I appreciate all that I have gone through with that glove and people still will ask why. Why that baseball bag? Out of everything you have, why that bag? No it is not the money or the gear itself, but the memories that come with the gear. The character and growth shown in the gear. That's why the baseball bag.

From the one who is always asked why,



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