My Girl | Teen Ink

My Girl

September 27, 2023
By ts-industries GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
ts-industries GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When I first saw her, the world stopped spinning. It was like no one else in the world mattered, as it was just her and I. 

We had an instant connection, the spark was strong. 

She had an aura unmatched, covering up and hiding any imperfection that might lay on her surface. 

She shined like the others never could, leaving me speechless. 

Even though her eyes were too close, they were warm and inviting. Staring back at her made me feel like a warm apple pie. 

She was taller than most, but that only meant that she stood above the rest. 

Her feet were too big for most bodies, but not hers. They suited her perfectly, which made her all the better for tramping through snow. 

She was soft to the touch, comforting after a long day, ready to take my mind off of it all. 

She would never turn down the opportunity to hang out, even if it meant going for a 

sub zero degree ride in the icy snow in the dead of winter.

She doesn’t take well to large groups, four to five people is all that she can handle.

Being as confident as she is, she’ll burn you if you don’t know what you're doing.

She’s had some health problems over the years, but the medical bills are nothing we can’t handle.

She fell down in a parking garage and got scraped up badly, needing some new glasses.

She can be a high maintenance chick at times.

But regardless of her flaws, I love my Jeep

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