Stuffed Bonding | Teen Ink

Stuffed Bonding

September 28, 2023
By Zues PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
Zues PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
28 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Up until 6th grade I’ve always had a humongous pile of stuffed animals, whether it be big or small. I always had this pile of stuffed animals, but those were just ones I was given, ones I've never had a bond with. The ones that I actually bonded with were always on my bed. They were two penguins, one big, one small, a triceratops, a wooly mammoth, and an elephant. These five stuffed animals were my favorites, they were the ones I had a strong bond with, the ones I had. For most people they've created imaginary friends, for me it was bonding with these items. 

Firstly, Pinggui and Pingguo are the names of the penguins. I had always had a strong bond with them. When I was kid I loved penguins. They are still one of my favorite animals. I remember getting Pingui, the bigger one, in the mail. It was a gift from my parents for one of my birthdays. I remember I’d always bring him with me. I got Pingguo when I was out at a boy scouts camp. I remember the day, it was a calm and warm spring day. The sounds of little kids running around and my father becoming more agitated as he kept getting hooked by several kids with fishing rods. We were going into the gift shop and seeing them sitting on a shelf alongside sea turtles and begging my dad to get me them. I did get them before the day was over. 

Then, Sarah my triceratops, I got her also as a gift on a different birthday, when I was 6, I loved dinosaurs at the time and one of my favorites was a triceratops, along with Pinggui, It was like a big three with me being like the leader. They still lay underneath my covers on my bed. 

Finally, Ellie and Manny, Ellie the Elephant and Manny the Wooly Mammoth, I got Manny when my third grade class went to the museum for a class trip. When I first laid my eyes on it’s like the world started to melt, when holding it was like holding a bunny. Ellie, my oldest and one I had the greatest bond with, I don’t even remember getting her. She was always there. One of my most fondest memories of her and me is when I spilled spaghetti all over her. It was me and my family sitting at dinner and like all three year olds I started to play with my food while simultaneously playing with Ellie. Having her act like she was a plane and crashing into the plate of spaghetti. My parents were furious because I was making a mess but I was young and having fun. 

So there if they ever disappeared I think I would be devastated as these had memories that I had entwined into their stitching that kept them together for these many years. There also they are like friends, even though they don’t talk they still mean the world to me because I know that when I look and hold them I remember the many memories that I have forgotten about. 

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