That One Thing In The Universe | Teen Ink

That One Thing In The Universe

September 29, 2023
By Salyutx BRONZE, Leehigh Acres, Florida
Salyutx BRONZE, Leehigh Acres, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The universe always had secrets. Secrets that have left many scientists and researchers curious. Ever since I was young, I have always been captivated by the mysteries of the universe. I wanted to learn and study the cosmos, even if I didn’t quite understand the concepts, nonetheless, it didn’t fail to pique my interest. I’m excited to share my personal experiences about astronomy that inspired me and the practical uses in everyday life. Astronomy isn't just a passing interest, it is something that I love learning about and I certainly cannot imagine living without it.

Going into the past, I still remember the moment I first fell in love with astronomy.  A was a toddler visiting a museum and I watched a Planetarium Projection System, a rounded theater with a projection and I was absolutely in awe. This was the first real experience I had that I was so close to the vast place beyond Earth. It was the first time I heard about terminology so complex yet so captivating, it amazed me to no end and I was determined to learn more. Over the years I’ve decided that I want to become an astronomer, or at the very least something closely related. This pursuit has inspired me to learn any chance I get. I would read and write notes on certain topics and try to excel in school so I can get the best opportunities for myself to become what I aspire to be.

Astronomy also has real uses too. Astronomy has helped advance human technology plenty of times throughout history. The ancient Maya used astronomy and mathematics to get the most accurate calendar in all of human history. Astronomy was also used for navigation in early America, slaves would use the northern star, located in the Big Dipper to escape from the south. Even though we don’t really use the Northern Star anymore, GPS systems rely on satellites in orbit to determine positions on Earth. Satellite systems also help with communication. When you text or make a call, your phone uses radio waves to connect to the nearest cell tower then to a satellite where it amplifies and relays the message back to Earth. There are still so many more ways astronomy can advance technology that helps us with everyday activities. I’m so excited to see in the future what new and innovative technology we can create using astronomy to better understand the universe.

Without a doubt, humanity doesn’t know nearly half about the observable universe. There are so many mysteries we don’t know. Astronomy can give to the Earth and I want to know it all, even if it all seems impossible. This is truly a passion I simply cannot live without, it is such a key part of who I am. If you also have something that makes you curious, I implore you to go and discover, you’ll be surprised with how much you've learned.

The author's comments:

I am submitting a writing contest for "One Thing You Can't Live Without".

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