The Bear by the Garage | Teen Ink

The Bear by the Garage

October 19, 2023
By AHSbaseballwriter GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
AHSbaseballwriter GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Up north in Wisconsin, on the first night our families all sat outside at a bonfire and relaxed. The second day we started our day with a walk through the woods. We noticed some large deep tracks in the sticky mud and were curious but we went on with our day. During that walk I felt something I never have before. I felt disconnected from the world, but in a good way. I was able to take in the beautiful bright sights of the vast forest still left to explore, the loudest silence there could be, so quiet yet filled with birds chirping and animals running through the brush, and the fresh smell that only young trees and animals roaming around could smell like. It was one of the most amazing feelings ever. That same night everyone slept great, but when we woke up there was a window broken in the garage. We checked the cameras and saw a bear was climbing around the garage that night. 

I knew from the start that anything could happen but I did not expect that to happen. The bear was thumping around and nobody had any idea about it. That night we had another bonfire and went to bed. The next day was a normal day until dusk came around. Another bonfire came around but my friend and I wanted to do something else. We decided to go for a walk in the woods. Remembering that the woods are a few miles we now know this is not a great idea at night but at the time we did not think about it. We were smart enough to at least bring a walkie talkie with us, but in those miles of woods they don't work for the whole walk. We made it pretty far and were doing just fine when the walkie talkie cut off, and we did not know where we were. This was one of the coolest feelings ever. Being completely cut off from everybody, in nature, being able to hear everything. It is the peace that everybody looks for but can not find. Sure, it was scary but nothing felt real at that moment. We started to keep walking the path until somebody was on the walkie talkie again. We were finally able to make our way back to the fire but we almost didn't want to be back. That week up north was one of the best experiences ever and I hope I get to live it again.

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