Some Other Time | Teen Ink

Some Other Time

March 2, 2024
By Dhanvi SILVER, South Delhi, Other
Dhanvi SILVER, South Delhi, Other
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I live in two worlds; one is a world of books”
― Rory Gilmore

“Maybe in another universe, I would..”

We all hear this phrase. A missed opportunity. A risk not taken. A chance lost. That maybe, in another parallel world, or another different universe, something, even the most minute change, would have resulted in something different. To most, this phrase is a quite pathetic way to be displeased with what you lost, or to make an excuse for what could have been. It’s a way of saying- “I didn’t do this or that, but that’s because it wasn’t meant for me. Because maybe, in this path of life, I travel, that was the road not taken. Never travelled, at least not in this universe.” It’s heartbreaking because it's just shielding us from a truth - There is NO other universe. There are no second chances once the choice has been made. There are no do-overs, you can’t travel back in time. There is only regret and we are so morally shielded, that we try to protect ourselves by saying, “Oh, no worries! Maybe some other time.” The universe is ours. Each individual’s universe is their own. You are the universe, in YOUR life, no one takes that away. So, consequently, every choice or decision you make, big or small, relating to your life or someone else’s, it will impact you. Bring a change, even if you yourself don’t notice it. When you believe yourself to be the centre of your universe, you do not get another chance. Not a chance to be, to live, to love, to hate. You have one life, one chance. It is incredibly pathetic when people base their whole existence on the fact of what other people think of them. Honestly wonder, in maybe a year, will anything anyone else says, you would actually remember? Maybe for a second, but never more. 

In the world or universe, specifically, we are enveloped with social media. Flashes of lives we wish to live. The constant need to grow up, to be a child again, to enjoy life, to be scared of what comes after. It's perfectly normal, its life. Yet we yearn for another one. We wish to be in a different world, where something or the other changes, and it changes for the good. Because we made it happen, and it has impacted us. That is a parallel universe, morally speaking, of course. The theory of parallel universes is a scientific one, but my understanding of it is purely based on watching superheroes and time-travel movies. And even in those media pieces, it’s shown how incredibly difficult it is to travel to one unless you’ve got an IQ of 150 or a lot of money. Therefore, it's not possible in real life. But being morally thinking creatures as we are, we love to question what could have possibly happened. It’s in our blood, our systems to seek out not what we have, but what we yearn for. For another chance. For just a second, to feel or see what that change would have done. To us, to someone else, to society, to communities, to the world. 

Maybe in another universe, we would have worked out. Maybe in another universe, it was always the right person and never the wrong time. Maybe in another universe, we’d be sitting at our little dining table and stressing about income taxes together. Maybe in another universe, we’d be doing our daughter’s second-grade project in the middle of the night because she forgot to tell us about it. Maybe in another universe, these memories were good. Maybe in another universe, we remembered to cherish each and every moment we got, and never was it our last. And, maybe, just maybe, this time, the flowers finally blossomed. Because this was the right universe. 

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