Love is not all about looks | Teen Ink

Love is not all about looks

March 21, 2024
By Peaceful_Dreamer BRONZE, Colombo, Other
Peaceful_Dreamer BRONZE, Colombo, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

They say fall in love with a person with a good heart not a person with a good looks but people keep getting attracted to the beauty of a person rather than their pure thoughts and feelings. The world say that when a good looking boy couples up with a girl with without any good  looks and a good looking girl with a not-so good looking boy it`s true love  as they do not consider about any looks and loves each other unconditionally. I have also seen many relationships like that  but I think it`s not like that anymore because I have seen pure girls, who might not be much good looking, loving boys unconditionally without expecting their money, gifts or all those expensive stuff  but the boys don`t love them back.

I always wondered why beauty matter so much. I always thought that the beauty of love is loving someone unconditionally without any expectations but this generation doesn`t seem to understand that. When a girl loves a boy, help him to do his work, console him when he is upset or sad, talk about his day, be there for him all the time and never leave him no matter what, is it fair for the boy to neglect her  feelings and forget about her when he has found another so - called beautiful girl?

Girls who are loyal and have a pure heart are very hard to find. They are like diamonds, precious but hard to own. But even when some boy get the rare, blessed chance of meeting such a girl they don’t care about her, they neglect her and go searching for another girl when the angel is actually near them. And guess what? All of these for the good look. Some boys care so much about girls` appearance that they lose the angel in searching for a beauty. If love is based on looks, is that’s even love because I think it`s more like lust.

Every boy wants to become successful one day and there is a saying that behind every successful man there is a supportive woman. So if they want to become successful then why do they go in search for beauties who don’t like to ruin themselves after doing a little work or by helping them, instead why don’t they find a nice girl who can go through anything with them and walk through the hell with them and stay by their side all the time?

Beauty doesn`t last forever but the good thoughts and pure intentions that you possess which gives you a good karma does so if you are a boy and wants to have permanent happiness than temporary happiness, then please find yourself a nice polite girl who will support you all the time and please don`t ever think of breaking their heart. If you are a girl make sure you possess good qualities and if you feel that’s there is no pint of doing so as any guy don’t fall for you don`t think that way. Have patience and wait because one a day a boy will come to your life and prove that what you thought about boys, that they all are the same and breaks your heart, is not true. He will treat you the way you deserve to be treated


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on May. 14 at 7:08 am
MadgirlPrincess BRONZE, Oxford, Other
1 article 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you can't communicate, the least you can do is to shut up." - Tom Lehrer

"Have patience and wait because one a day a boy will come to your life"
"He will treat you the way you deserve to be treated"

Let this never come true for me- an aromantic scumbag (me)