The Disaster | Teen Ink

The Disaster

June 5, 2024
By Anonymous

The smell of bacon placated me as I ran down the brown stairs. Turning the corner, past the paintings on the wall, birds chirping outside by the big brown oak tree, Dad flipping bacon, as I wait for breakfast to be done. As I log onto the infamous game called Clash of Clans, where I practically spend my whole day on my iPad playing. “Hey, put the game down and eat your breakfast,” My mom declares. I gently set my iPad down, now looking at the big plate of bacon, pancakes, and eggs. Bacon. Pancakes. Eggs. Today must be a special day.

I can already feel the hot, sticky air hitting my face as I finish my breakfast and go upstairs to arbitrarily pick an outfit for the day. Excited to go to the Wisconsin Dells, I throw my clothes on, and sprint back down the stairs into the kitchen, waiting for when we leave. However, all this was a waste, because my sister groggily climbs down the stairs, unaware of the plans for the day. She walks over to the island in the kitchen, sits down, and savors every bite she can, taking forever to finish her breakfast. I am going to be dead by the time she finishes eating. 

A while later, we are on the road, while I am playing Clash Royale this time, having nothing to do on Clash of Clans. The car is dead silent, and being as bored as I am, I fall asleep.

“We are here!” My mom excitedly says, while waking my up from my long nap. I jump out of the car, put my sunscreen on, and impatiently wait for everyone else to be ready to go inside the park. Why can’t everybody else hurry up! Finally, everyone gets ready and we begin walking to the entrance into Noah’s Ark Waterpark. 

After wandering around, going on every waterslide possible, I go back to where my mom and dad are relaxing. A couple minutes later, my sister comes back, as red as a tomato. “Someone looks like they’re in a good mood.” My dad jokingly says. 

“Shut up.” My sister mumbles back, as she forgot to put on sunscreen. 

“How about we go to the wave pool?” My dad asks, while I look at the humongous wave. With great clairvoyance, my mom says something bad is going to happen, and that we are too young for the wave pool. 

“No such thing as too young for the wave pool!” My dad says, taking me and my sister to the wave pool. We get there, and wait for the big wave to be made. We are talking and BANG. I fall backwards, getting slammed into the ground. My dad picks my sister and me up, taking us back to our area with all of our things. He grabs a couple band-aids and lets me put a ton on my scraped arms and legs. 

“I told you that was a bad idea.” Mom said, also suggesting that it was time to leave. I guess it was fun until that happened. I think, as I take another nap while on the way home. 

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