Teens Hope | Teen Ink

Teens Hope

November 11, 2024
By DaretoLive BRONZE, Durbin, West Virginia
DaretoLive BRONZE, Durbin, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 3 comments

While growing up I never realised how important it is to always have a friend. I was lucky growing up with so many beautiful people surrounding me. I've always been able to grow up however I want. But I never did really have any advice from other teens. The hard thing to bring to the light is that most people are not so lucky to grow up in this type of environment. So my advice to new teens now is, To stay strong through the ups and downs of life. Because on the other side of your troubles is light so bright. And whenever you feel like nothing is ever going to be the way you that you want just remember what E.E Cummings said, "It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are." But I think if you have courage to be who you are then you can do anything at all.

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