Cocoa Crazy | Teen Ink

Cocoa Crazy

October 15, 2009
By Madi Morley BRONZE, Park City UT, Utah
Madi Morley BRONZE, Park City UT, Utah
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Embarrassing Moment

When I was about 3-4 years old I lived with my aunt for a little while and one day my aunt my cousin and I went grocery shopping.
When we got home my cousin and I remembered that we had bought chocolate ice cream and we really wanted to eat it.
Once my aunt finished putting away the groceries she started to fold laundry and left us to play. Once my aunt left my cousin and I got the
chocolate ice cream and started to eat it.
We ate quite a bit of the ice cream once my aunt finished laundry she came in to check on us and start dinner when we realized she was coming we
hid the ice cream. She came in and asked us did you girls get into the chocolate ice cream we both deinied it multiple times.
Then she took me into the bathroom, she held me up in the mirror and asked again did you get into the chocolate ice cream?
When she held me up in the mirror I realized that I was covered in chocolate from head to toe but I still denied it and to this day we still
laugh and joke around with story of my cousin and I.

The author's comments:
This happened when i was little and is true.

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