Stay here | Teen Ink

Stay here

November 27, 2009
By Melonn PLATINUM, Phoniex, Arizona
Melonn PLATINUM, Phoniex, Arizona
25 articles 3 photos 26 comments

Favorite Quote:
change your life

Democracy... while it lasts is more bloody than either aristocracy or monarchy. Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There is never a democracy that did not commit suicide.
John Ada

Every time you fell down I felt your pain. I was to shy to go to you and help you up. I couldn’t do anything because there are ropes around my chest holding me to the ground. People criticized you and I felt like they were talking about me. It bit me that I couldn’t go to because of these chains on my hands. I still see you and you don’t know who I am. You don’t know I am alive or that a girl across the world is in love with you. That’s not what hurt the most though. The most hurt was when you regained your spot back and I finally had courage to go to you. You never fell; you went back to your old life. I missed you by a couple of seconds. When I finally was one step away from you to help you up you stood up and strode away never realizing me, but I am happy because you are. If you’re sad I am sad, when you cry I cry and no matter what this addiction to you may ease but never fade.

The author's comments:
Love is addiction, and some people don't deserve it but you were never mean or a jerk.

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